Title: Staring (High school AU drabble series)
Pairings: Neo
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, high school AU
Summary: Taekwoon is pining.
"He’s staring again."
“Do you think he even knows we’re here?”
“Probably not. When he gets like this, he’s completely lost to the rest of the world. I’ve even seen him drooling bef- OW!”
Taekwoon turned to see Jaehwan rubbing the side that he had just jabbed an elbow into. “That hurt,” he whimpered pathetically.
“I wasn’t staring,” Taekwoon grumbled. “And I’ve never drooled.”
He could feel his cheeks burning, embarrassed that he had been caught. Thankfully, Jaehwan and Sanghyuk were the only two around to notice. He still had to deal with the insufferable teasing from them, though.
“You were definitely staring,” Sanghyuk insisted. “Heart eyes and everything.” Taekwoon kicked him under the table and he yelped.
“If you’d just talk to him, instead of staring at him from across the cafeteria like a love sick puppy, we wouldn’t tease you so much.”
“Don’t make me hit you again.”
“You’re no fun,” Jaehwan pouted, crossing his arms and leaning away from Taekwoon.
With Sanghyuk and Jaehwan back to their conversation, Taekwoon didn’t pass up the chance to steal another look at the table across the cafeteria. His gaze was drawn to one person in particular, and he was once again, back to staring.
Cha Hakyeon. Senior, class president, and ranked first in the entire school. He was surrounded by a hoard of other students at their lunch table, talking and laughing with the boy next to him - someone named Hongbin who Taekwoon had learned was one of his best friends.
Hakyeon was popular, smart, outgoing, beautiful. Perfect. He had pretty bronze skin, and expressive eyes. He was slim and narrow-shouldered, coming up just a few centimeters shorter than Taekwoon. When he smiled, lips stretching over pretty teeth and his eyes brightening, it lit up the entire room. God, Taekwoon even thought his teeth were adorable. He had it really bad.
Taekwoon had never been so attracted to someone. He’d never really had an interest in anyone, ever. So why, of all people, did it have to be Cha Hakyeon?
Taekwoon was a nobody; the kid that hardly spoke a word and was always looked over. The only reason he had friends was because Jaehwan began following him around like an annoying puppy one day and just never stopped, and Sanghyuk was a nerdy first year that began to tag along with them too.
Hakyeon probably didn’t even know his name. There was no way Taekwoon would ever have the guts to speak to him. There was also no way he would admit to his friends that he had a massive school girl crush on Hakyeon. He’d never live it down.
He got so lost in his thoughts and admiring Hakyeon’s mouth while he talked a mile a minute, that he hadn’t even realized he’d gone back to blantely staring. It wasn’t until he saw that Hakyeon’s mouth had stopped moving that he felt eyes on him. When he looked up, Hakyeon was staring right back at him, bright beautiful eyes locked with his own. Hakyeon gave a small, friendly smile just as Taekwoon tore his eyes away, feeling completely mortified. Shit shit shit. He probably looked like a complete weirdo, staring like that…
He buried his head in his crossed arms and groaned. He didn’t dare lift his face for fear that Jaehwan or Sanghyuk would see how red his cheeks were. Jaehwan poked at his side and asked what was wrong, but he just grunted and ignored him. That didn’t deter the other boy, though. Jaehwan just tugged at his shirt, but this time, told him they needed to get back to class. He wanted nothing more than to keep hiding, but escaping the cafeteria sounded like a pretty good idea too. He picked up his things and kept his head down as he walked to the door. It was, of course, near where Hakyeon was sitting, and as he walked by, he immediately picked up on Hakyeon’s voice.
“Hongbin, do I have something on my face?”
“No, why?”
“Ah…no reason…”
Taekwoon hurried out of the cafeteria, his head bowed and his cheeks burning.