Back here again

Jul 18, 2006 08:13

I'm at Credit Suisse again - the company that I was at for two weeks that I got bored out of my mind at? Yeah, that one. I'm here for two days, but I have to leave early for a doctor's appointment today so that'll be nice.

Sarah and I hung out last night for hours running errands and just wandering around Raleigh. It was fun despite the fact that I spent too much money. We had some really good conversations which I think were beneficial to both of us.

My dad has an interview this afternoon with a company that he's really hopeful about. He already had a phone interview, but they set up a personal interview for him today. He's been preparing for several days and he feels like this might be where he's supposed to be. I hope it is for multiple reasons: a) he needs a job since his job at Misys ends on the 31st (he's got months and months of severance pay, though), b) he kind of has his hopes set on this one, and c) my mom and I would both enjoy not being worried about the job situation anymore.

I still haven't heard from the magazine to find out when I'm going to be going in. I've only got about 4 weeks left before David and I go up North to visit his family before school starts. I'd really like to get in there before school starts.

Am I a geek for looking forward to classes starting? Does anyone know when tax free weekend is? I hope it isn't when I'm gone.

Nicole came back from Thailand last night, so I'm thrilled! I talked to her last night for a bit on the phone and we're gonna hang out this evening after my doctor's appointment. I can't wait!

I didn't work at all last week. I'm finally starting to feel the dire frustration that Sarah was feeling in the weeks before she got the longer job at Teleflex. I'm going to be very sad on Thursday when I don't get a check in the mail. I hope they can find something for me for the rest of the week.

I really don't want to be working, but I need the money. I've got to save as much as I can and I've got some bigger expenses coming up that I'm going to have to dip into savings anyway.
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