hurtin teeth, tests i didnt study for... bad just doesnt cut it

Aug 31, 2005 05:11

heylo yall!!! today was good except for my teeth. they hurt. everybody says my braces look ok but i know they look bad so drew, tay~tay, wilma grace, and everyone else who said that they didnt look so bad... UR WRONG!!! hehehehhe!!! andy just came out and said "you look ugly!!" thanks andy! hehehehehehhe!! little hint to all you future braces getters AND band members at the same time: playing a brass instrument when you just get ur braces is out of the question unless you like pain... and if you like pain, ur weird!! so today, when mr. B told all the french horns to play the chair test thingy i was thinkin EXQUEEZE ME?!?!?! anywho, when we got in there, he saw that i had just gotten my braces and emily had already played and jennifer didnt know her scales because she switched to french horn from trumpet(which, might i add, is in a different key and has different fingerings from a marching horn). anywho, he didnt make jennifer and me play so i settled with 2nd chair which is fine by me!!! what else happened today? oh yeah!! faith, beth, wilma grace, lindsay, carol ann, etc. (sorry if i missed anyone... im already gettin alzheimers) got a hilarious show today... they watched me TRY to eat at lunch!! sorry bout the negativity as my subject, my day was actually pretty good!! i thought the whole thing was furny!!!
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