Don't go..(Part 2) a.k.a. some thoughts on civil disobedience

Mar 05, 2006 15:56

So based on what I have learned, dissenting soldiers who choose not to go to war will face a slew of unfavorable repercussions. Jail time, penalties, ostracization, etc... And now my question is SO WHAT?

This country has, since its generation, proved that standing up for one's beliefs, no matter what the consequences, gets things accomplished. It inspires our fellow countrypeople; it demonstrates to lawmakers what we agree and disagree with; it shapes our lives. We are a country founded on dissent, remember?
A few examples? Okay, easy: Rosa Parks, the African American woman whose arrest and subsequent trial triggered one of the most successful mass movements against racial segregation in history.
Margaret Sanger: arrested for distributing information on birth control, but kept on fighting.
There are thousands of similar examples of people being arrested and even killed for standing up for their beliefs. It's because of them that our schools and public places aren't segregated. That slaves were freed. That birth control is accessible. That we can choose our religion. That we can vote, speak freely, and not worry about being drafted. The list goes on and on.

Our soldiers are supposed to embody strength and freedom. Insted, they go where they're told, and expect to be supported. I will not support those who do not think for themselves. I will not support those who choose to go to Iraq (because no matter how "trapped" they feel, there is always, AWLAYS an option to not go). I know they aren't allowed to pick what wars they'll fight, but why not? And more importantly, how do we make that happen? Well, stand up for yourself. Realize that asking Americans to follow blindly goes against what we're "fighting for," and don't go. If enough people are strong enough to do it, those in power will have to listen, or else be stuck with a lot of full jails, pissed off citizens and no protection.
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