Long time no luvy everyone!!!!
i just got back from camp hochelaga yesterday. it was my first time ever at a camp. i thought it was really fun. i only went there for a week though and it went by really fast. i can't wait until next year because i'm going to be going for 2 weeks. i met a lot of cool people and got their addresses and email. i met these 2 french girls that were in my cabin and they were really nice. we had conversations in french, since i took it in 7th grade and i'm taking it in 8th and 9th. their names are Emma and Mathide. Emma is from paris and i have her address so i can send her mail. i really want to try and keep in touch with all the people i met.
on another note, i got my advice site up and running. it is
http://freewebs.com/askashlee4467/ so check it out please! i really love giving advice so if you could then please pass it on to your firends or other people. :D
well i got to go for now. i'm going to be writing a letter to Emma. she's still at camp. buh bye everyone!
Luvys, Ashlee