I, in time, will come around...

Nov 10, 2005 15:12

Awww look how cute Ames and me are! Good ol' freshman year...

I haven't updated this journal in a long time, and I think much of the reason is that God has been doing so much in my life that I haven't really been able to take a breath. I haven't taken the time to put into words what God is doing (except in my private journal and in the presence of someone that I trust implicitly), though He is moving mightly, because in many ways it hurts and I'm not ready to share it with everyone. If you want to know, ask... but please don't be offended if I am vague.

...suppose I said I am on my best behavior
and there are times I lose my worried mind

would you want me when I'm not myself?
wait it out while I am someone else?...

Props to those who stick it out even when God is exposing and dealing with some of the most deeply rooted issues in my life. You rock my socks off!

So on the lighter side of things, I am going to a medieval symposium for my Chaucer to Shakespeare class tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure whether I am actually psyched about this or not, but it should be interesting nonetheless. I get to pound on the door of Omega 311 to wake up Lindsey at 7 am tomorrow. That should be a good time.

I am working on writing a new song on my guitar. It's going to be flippin' sweet when it's done. HOLLA!!!

OH So Ricky Martin was on the Ellen show the other day. I don't really watch that show very often but I happen to be flipping through the channels and catch it in the middle of this Spanish song. Ricky has changed his look a little because I didn't really think it was him, but by the way he was shaking around in some freakish attempt at dancing, I was sincerely convinced it was a Ricky Martin wanna-be. Imagine my surprise and dismay at the realization that it actually was him! So he's coming back, I guess? Here's the silver lining, though: at least there aren't two of them.

So, I should probably look over a few things before choir. Oh! I will at least update on the whole audition thing. So last week or whenever that was, Marion asked "Krista and Ashley" to sing the solo during choir rehearsal. Well this was seriously like twenty minutes after I had told him I couldn't sing because I have been suffering from an upper respiratory infection (CURSES, I HAVEN'T TAKEN MY MEDICINE TODAY...), so I of course assumed he was talking to one of the other 50 Ashleys in choir. So Ashley Fenner looks all confused and finally stands up and sings it. Well, Krista sounds AMAZING on it of course because her voice rocks the house, and then later I discover that he was actually talking about me but was on crack or something and didn't realize that it wasn't me that sang. So, basically, I'm pretty sure Krista has that solo -- but the thing is, I haven't mentioned it to Marion and I don't think I'm going to. I was going to but then it occurred to me, I WANT Krista to have that solo. I don't want to sing it in front of everyone at our concert. Auditioning was a big enough step for me, and to be honest Krista's my friend and I want her to have that part. So I'm not going to worry about it.

All right, I'm off to actually take the medicine and probably some ibuprofen too because I have a massive headache, and then get a few things accomplished before making the trek over to Roberts for choir...

--the adjective of the hour
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