Although your hair is blue, I think the world of you.

Nov 02, 2007 16:39

The A-Z of Ashley (stolen from willow1967)

[A is for Age]

[B is for boyfriend/girlfriend:]
A very sweet boyfriend named Dave :D

[C is for favorite cake:]
Is tiramisu considered cake?

[D is for favorite drink:]
I don't know if it's a favourite, but I'm so diggin' the "Apple Jack" right now.

[E is for essential items you use everyday:]
Deodorant, mp3 player, cell phone alarm clock

[F is for favorite song at the moment]
Three way tie: Billy Klippert "Wretched Thing", Eddie Vedder "Hard Sun" and The Mark Inside "Little Sister". But the new Trews single hasn't come out yet, so....

[G is for favourite game:]
Well, I was gonna say the Sims again, but I really can't compete with Ocharina of Time.

[H is for hometown:]
Thunder Bay, Ontario.

[I is for instrument you can play:]
The drums mainly, but I can play a bit of the piano, and the tambourine!!! Woot!

[J is for favorite fruit juice?:]
Tie between apple and grape.

[K is for kids?]
Something I would prefer not to have right now, but who knows further down the road.

[L is for last kiss:]
Wednesday morning :D

[M is for marriage:]
Who knows... someday maybe.

[N is for # of siblings:]
One - a brother named Luke.

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
Many, but they weren't for me - we spent a whole week sleeping at the hospital in a myriad of uncomfortable couches when Luke was there.

[P is for phobias:]
Definitely spiders.

[Q is for quote:]
"There was a time I was afraid, I let my strength and spirit fade. But now's the time to stand aware and take what's mine; the lesson's done, my dues are paid. I'm right on time. I'm makin' sunshine." - The Trews, Makin' Sunshine (One of my favourites)

[R is for biggest regret:]
None at the moment.

[S is for self confidence:]
... seems to really show with certain people.

[T is for time you wake up:]
8:00 for work, anytime for every other day.

[U is for underwear:]
Orange and white with a little vampire-ish bunny on the front with the words "Pain in the neck"

[V is for vegetable you love:]
All of them... I heart my veggies.

[W is for worst habit:]
Not giving myself enough credit sometimes.

[X is for x-rays you've had]
I know I had at least one done when I broke my leg....

[Y is for yummy food you make:]
Mmmm... grilled cheese, and yummy cookies (like Snickerdoodles)

[Z is for zodiac sign:]
I'm a Virgo.

REPOST AS THE: A-Z of [your name]
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