Dec 03, 2004 21:04
Yesterday was just super stressful and seemingly nonstop. Waking up late, scraping ice off windshields with a spatula while hair is wet, school (finding out I printed out the wrong stuff), work: Job 1(retail during the holidays), last-minute homework assignments, rushing around Bossier/Haughton trying to find work clothes, gasoline spilling all over my damn car and shoes, speeding to Shreveport to turn in late assignments only to realize when I got there that I didn't know where teacher's office was, breaking down crying in the lsus science building parking lot, calling work to let them know I'm late, wondering why you hate me, showing up to work 20 minutes late with no makeup on, folks asking what's wrong, tears, "can I just go home?", comforting ailing mother until 11 pm, and then. When I finally get back to my home, realizing that my underpants have been on inside out all day long.