Oct 31, 2005 23:40
I've been listening to "gently" by Tenacious D all night..what a fuckin awesome song. So hilarious. It's put me in a better mood actually.
Anyways...on to the journal entry...
Today was ok....cory's class was cancelled...and i didnt feel like going to drawing..so i just picked up my work and decided to do it at home (this means i wont get any work done on it..i should have just left it at school..ugg). Speech class was boring as usual...the lecture was on "THE PERSUASIVE SPEECH." And she mentioned that any business/advertising major (that would be me) should go on and might be required to take a speech class that focuses on persuasion. woooooh. I guess its a useful tool...that would help in other aspects of my life as well...but hell..im a woman..i can be VERY persuasive if need be.
Later we went trick or treating..my costume rocked..and i looked 'cute'...which i guess is ok..most other girls my age that dress up for holloween look like skanks.
After a couple hours of collecting we went to jujitsu and my mom called during class and yelled at me as usual...i just decided to hang up in the end..im sick of hearing it. She was trying to convince me that i had to come to thanksgiving at her house..she said i needed to be with "the family." i tried to tell her that i was going to the Burns' family thanksgiving and that cory is my family now...and she got pissed (of course). God forbid i date a goy. sheesh. She ended by saying she expects me there. I've never really fulfilled her expectations in any part of my life...why should i start now? and why with this? I want this thanksgiving to be fun...and that doesn't include being insulted and ridiculed. (did i spell that right?) So thats that.
We ended the night by going to dennys with mattt...and emptying out our loot of candy all over the table. Always a fun time...even though im sick of denny's. And now..its time for bed.