Oct 22, 2008 01:28
Okay I have to say I think all this Joe the plumber shit (haha) is just as funny as the next guy but just for a moment I need to rant.
So because this man Joe is at an Obama rally/appearance or what have you, and tells Obama of his troubles and then Mccain feels it to be okay to use him as an example in a national debate it blows up into this huge ass thing...Joe is now this huge celebrity/media target.
This is all fun and games until the media finds out that Joe the plumber, doesn't yet have his plumbing licence, doesn't have the money to pay off $14,000 in back taxes and there's a lien on his house. Now, everyone in America knows this about poor Joe.
He didn't ask for any of this.
Now I don't know Joe's circumstances, but as far as I know he's not like a bad guy and cheating the government or anything, he's probably a lower-middle class American struggling to get by in this economic crisis we have going on here and he's shit broke.
Here's what I think.
Fucking, McCain...for opening his big robotic looking mouth and exposing this guys PRIVATE life for all of America to see, should drag his old ass over to Joe's front door and personally apologize, sign him up for some plumbing classes, pay off his back taxes and get the lien taken off his house!