Mar 05, 2005 15:13
Sry I havent updated in a while. I finally got internet in my new place. These past two weeks or so have been crazy. Kyle came home after having been gone for 7 weeks. It was so awesome to see him again; I miss hiim so much when he's gone but thats life i guess. School is kicking my ass. My car broke down so I missed my Biology test. At first, she gave me a 0, but after much pleading she decided that if I pass the test on Monday then I can make it up. But of course the next test is on cellular respiration and photosynthesis which i failed when i had Dawkins so wish me luck cause I need it. My parents are headed up here to bring me some more furniture for the condo. It's finally starting to feel like home. Anways, I'm ready for the summer so I can actually sleep and take a break.