ahh its a survey!

May 04, 2005 14:10

*Time started: 2:08pm
*Name: ashley
*Nickname: i dunno...karlee seems to call me butt slut-dum girl! bamber...
*Single or Taken: Single
*Sex: Female
*Birthday: June 10
*Sign: Gemini
*Siblings: 1 sister 2 brothers
*Hair colour: brown
*Eye colour: blue
*Height: psh i dunno
*Innie or Outie: Innie
*What are you wearing right now: jeans n a shirt!
*Righty or lefty: Righty

*Who are your closest friends?: heather, katlyn, jenn, karlee
*Best place to go for a date: i dunno...

~Fashion Stuff~
*Where is your fav place to shop: hollister & a&f duh!
*Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: ears

*Color: Pink
*Number(s): 0, 4, 2, 5
*Food: tacos
*Boys name: justin or jordan
*Girls name: brandy lynn!
*Subject in school: spanish
*Animal: cheetah
*Drink: water...unless you mean alcoholic! smirnoff!!
*Celebrity: britney, jessica, paris, nicole...
*Sport: bbal
*Veggie: broccoli
*Fruit: Strawberry
*Fast food place:taco bell or kfc
*Place to visit: colorado
*Juice: white grape
*Finger: none!
*Ice Cream: mint choco chip
*Breakfast: sausage mcgriddles
*Perfume/Cologne: Abercrombie

~Have You Ever~
*Given anyone a bath: my baby brother
*Smoked: yea
*Bungee jumped: no
*Broken the law: yes
*Made yourself throw-up: No
*Gone skinny dipping: no
*Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yes
*Eaten a dog biscuit: Yes
*Put your tongue on a frozen pole: ...yea
*Loved someone that made you cry?: Yes
*Played truth or dare: hek yea!
*Been in a physical fight: no
*Been in a police car: No
*Been on a plane: Yes
*Been in a sauna: yeh
*Been in a hot tub: Yes
*Swam in the ocean: Yeah
*Fallen asleep in school: Yes...history!
*Ever had a sex dream: yeh...member karlee?
*Cried when someone died: of course! who wouldnt?
*Flashed someone: yep...5th grade bday party when i had like no boobs!
*Lied: Yes
*Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yea
*Saved e-mails: Yes
*Wished you were a member of the opposite sex: yeh
*Made out with JUST a friend?: yeh
*Been rejected? Yes
*Been in love? Yes
*Used someone: yeh...sorry!
*Been cheated on? nope
*Done something you regret?: ooooooooooh yea!

~First Thing That Comes to Mind~
*Red: cherry
*Blue: balls
*Happy: people
*Autumn: leaves
*Cow: fat person
*Greenland: britney
*Your good luck charm: i dont think i have one!
*Stupidest thing you have ever done: walked to uhhh mcdonalds
*Your crush: gary...not for long! i hope!
*Your most prized possession: my cell phone! lol cant live without it
*Last thing you ate: m & m's
*Fave song: have 2 many!

~Have You Ever Had~
*Chicken pox: Yeah. .
*Sore Throat: Yes
*Cold: Yes
*Stitches: yes
*Bloody nose: Yes
*Crabs: HELL NO!!!!!!!!!

~Do you~
*Believe in love at first sight: nope
*Enjoy parks: depends on who your wiht!
*Like picnics:nope to many bugs
*Like school: nope....
*What schools have you gone to: Erap, holt
*Hate anyone: a few select people

*Who is the last person that called you:brandon
*Makes you laugh the most: nikki
*Makes you smile: gary & heather
*Can make you feel better no matter what: justin k
*Was the last person you touched?:sam t
*You talked to last: kayla
*You hugged?: uh gary
*Massaged: um i dunno
*You Kissed?: ...gary...
*You yelled at: my sister!

~Do You/Are You~
*Do you like yourself: sometimes
*Do you get along with your family: sometimes
*Do you do drugs:no
*Color your hair?: yep
*Have piercings below the waist?: nope
*Habla espanol: si
*Stolen anything ever?: yeh
*Obsessive: sometimes
*Compulsive: i dunno what it means!
*Anorexic: i wish i could be!
*Depressed?:a lil
*Suicidal?: nope

~Final Questions~
Girls Fill Out
*Boxers or briefs: boxers
*Older, younger, same age: older
*Tall or short: taller than me
*Good or bad guy: ehhh...??
*Ear peirced or not: dont matter
*Stubble or neatly shaved: shaved
*Studley or cute: Either
*Dark or blonde hair: Either
*Curly or straight hair: i dunno
*Dark or light eyes: either
*Tan or fair: tan
*What do you notice first about guys: eyes & hair
*Shy or outgoing: Outgoing, im not
*Six pack: four to six whatever
*Muscular arms: if possible
*What do you like the most in a guy: honesty
Boys fill out

*Regular underwear or thong:
*Painted nails or not:
*Older, younger, same age:
*Bra or sports bra:
*Cute and mysterious or wild and sexy:
*Dressy or casual:
*Dark or blonde hair:
*Long or short hair:
*Curly or straight hair:
*Dark or light eyes:
*Long or short nails:
*Hat or no hat:
*Good or bad girl:
*Hair up or down:
*Jewelry or none:
*Tall or short:
*Pants or dress:
*Tan or fair:
*Freckles or none:
*What do you notice first about girls:
*Shy or outgoing:
*What do you like the most in a girl:

*what time is it now?: 2:20
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