appropriateness. (or lack thereof)

Nov 04, 2007 13:33

My housemate turned up this morning without warning.  The landlady looked at me and said, "I told you to give it another week!"  And was all LOL over the fact that I wanted to call the police and I TOLD YOU SO WTF.  WELL PARDON ME FOR CARING!
    Relieved as I was, I srsly wanted to smack her (housemate, not landlady) around with a wet fish.  How is it that you neglect to call the ppl YOU LIVE WITH when you find out your friend is getting married so you'd be staying an extra week in another country without a contact number??  Did it not occur to you that the aforementioned ppl would, oh, IDK, WORRY and cook up in their (fine, my) over-imaginative brain(s)  scenarios of your body lying in a ditch after you had been robbed of all your worldly possessions that include OMG A CELLPHONE I WONDER WHAT PPL USE THEM FOR ADAKJSAL!!!

Just had to get that out of my system.  Hopefully this will now kill my ridiculous craving for donuts.  Of all the inappropriate things to get cravings for, it just HAD to be donuts.  Like, the most unhealthy combination of carbs and sugars and fats and HELLO!calories but tastes so good it should be banned .  Or arrested.  The makers of donuts, that is.  And I have no freaking clue what I'm talking about.

I eat so much it is insane.  I just finished a whole pack of franks (yes, that means 10 of them) as a snack.  A SNACK FOR COD'S SAKES!   I know I have good metabolism but this is ridiculous.  It's like I have hyperthyroidism without the hyper thyroids.  WTF.  It's not as if I'm still growing.  Will somebody please go tell that to my now non-adolescent stomach?  Mmm?  Preferably before I turn into some middle-aged obese-person-who-takes-up-two-seats-on-buses?!  akdalsjaksjdlakjdl;s


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