Woman del Callao

Sep 15, 2006 22:00

Merengue, the best latin music style ever. Big big time. Only to hear guys like Juan Luis Guerra makes my crazy! (
hakyumi knows it very well xD) I might not share much of the Central American culture, South America is very different, but I’m such a sucker for Merengue.

It might have been 14 years ago, but Juan Luis Guerra is still right in his songs. In the song ‘El Costo de la Vida’ (Life’s cost) there are some verses like:

“Si la gasolina sube otra vez 
El peso que baja ya ni se ve
Y la democracia no puede crecer 
Si la corrupción juega ajedrez
A nadie le importa que piensa usted 
Será porque aquí
No hablamos Inglés”

((“If gas goes up again. 
The peso reduces so much you can’t even see it
and democracy can’t grow, 
if corruption plays chess
nobody cares for what you think. 
Would it be because here
we don’t speak English”))

“Somos un agujero
en medio del mar y el cielo
quinientos años después.
Una raza encendida
negra, blanca y caína
pero quien descubrió a quién.”

((“We’re a hole
in the middle of the sea and the sky
five hundred years after.
A passionate race
Black, white and caina
But who discovered who?”))

I still feel dizzy after being in front of the PC screen for long time, so I’m going to bed early today enjoying some merengue though I’d rather dance it. I wanna be healthy!!!

español, random

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