Master and Commander. Stephen Was That You? G

Oct 27, 2012 00:54

TITLE: Stephen Was That You?
AUTHOR: Ashley-Pitt
FANDOM: Master and Commander
CHARACTERS: Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin
PROMPT: spook_me Prompt “Ghost”
GENRE: Slash
SUMMARY: Stephen goes missing in HMS SURPRISE
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters nor am I making any money from them. I borrow them once in awhile, but put them away tidily.

Jack was dozing on the stern galley settee, when something caused him to wake.
He quickly sat up and looked about the cabin. His eyes focused on the chair across from him. Stephen sat slumped in the chair, his head down on his chest.

Jack called, “Brother! What is it? Are you ill?”`

Stephen looked up and Jack gasped aloud.

Stephen's eyes were sunken; his face was grey and stubbled with beard and his wig was all atanto.

“Stephen!” Jack called. “What is wrong?”

Stephen raised his right hand and looked at it. The fingers appeared to be slowly dissolving.

“Jack! Help me!” He said, his voice a mere croak.

Jack stood up and walked toward Stephen.

“What am I to do?” he cried in anguish.

Stephen raised his left hand. The fingers on that hand seemed to be dissolving also.

“Find me Jack. Find me soon. Else I am feared that we will never play the Corelli together again.”

Jack walked forward. He reached out his hand.

Just as he was about to touch Stephen’s face, Stephen whispered, ”Help me Jack,” and vanished.

Jack stood looking at his hand in surprise.

Suddenly he heard a great snore and his eyes opened. Jack found himself sitting in his cabin, alone.

jack/stephen, spook-me, master and commander

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