FIc: Master and Commander. Jack/Stephen. Long dark Winter of His Soul.

Feb 19, 2012 15:46

TITLE: Long Dark Winter
AUTHOR: Ashley-Pitt
FANDOM: Master and Commander
PAIRING: Jack/ Stephen
GENRE: Slash
PROMPT: Master and Commander. Jack/Stephen. Long dark winter of his soul.
SUMMARY: Jack is afraid that he has lost Stephen
WARNING: Implied possible major character death
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I borrow them once in awhile, but put them away tidily.

Jack shrugged on his heavy sea going coat. He left the warmth of Woolcombe and walked down the path. It was bitterly cold and his shoes rang against the frozen ground.
He had walked here so many times with his particular friend and lover, Stephen Maturin.
Sometimes they hunted, sometimes they just walked, Stephen going on in his natural philosophizing way about the flora and fauna, while Jack would listen marveling at the amount of knowledge Stephen contained.

But now Stephen was gone. He has disappeared some six months ago with out a trace. He had been meeting with his friend, Sir Joseph Blaine, and was to return the next day. But Stephen had never arrived.

Jack was all aback at Stephen’s disappearance and he sent an entire boats crew to search all of London. The officers and men had to the man volunteered as they were all quite fond of the Doctor, but they found nary a button. It was as if Stephen Maturin had never even existed.

Jack had gone to Sir Joseph looking for any scrap of information.

Sir Joseph was old and frail, but his mind was still was still keen.
“I am sorry Admiral. I have no knowledge of Maturin's whereabouts. I know that you and he are quite good friends. Maturin would somehow send a word or a sign. However, I am a firm believer in all is not lost until a body is found,” he had said.

A startled bird rising from a dry dead bush jolted Jack back to the present.
He watched the bird fly off into the sky.

"Stephen." he said, "Is it not early for that bird to be seen? It is still prodigious cold and…”
Jack stopped remembered that Stephen was not at his side.

Jack stooped down and examined the bush more closely. Small green buds could be seen on the thin twigs.

Suddenly he could hear Stephen’s voice loud and true saying, "Come spring brother, this bush will be bold with amazing colors.”

Jack straightened up and smiled. He had smoked the sign. The long dark winter of his soul would soon be over.

master and commander

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