Omg I'm gonna cry, I'm so fucking scared! I was having an audio convo
with Richard, then he started to talk about how he hears ghosts or
whatever.. god I'm shaking so much....
Hmmm.... I don't know what to believe. I guess I'll just accupy with the CD's and books that I got today. *shrug* The thought of it will pass, that's all I can say :\
Yeah, I'm like that too. One time I had to ask the councilor at one of my camps (when I was in cub scouts) to let me go do something else, because they were telling ghost stories (Just before bed, lovely). But my curiosity overwhelmed me, and just like the situation there, I couldn't help but listen; then got scared.
I scare easily, so there's a problem there, I can't even watch "Jurassic park" without getting scared. So, dog, light, and tv stay on and in my room tonight :p
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*shrug* The thought of it will pass, that's all I can say :\
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I scare easily, so there's a problem there, I can't even watch "Jurassic park" without getting scared. So, dog, light, and tv stay on and in my room tonight :p
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