Oct 13, 2008 00:04
I just got a nudge from Alanna and it told me that I haven't updated in 90 weeks!!!!!!!! it also said that I should update now or the earth would implode..... ummm ok so I made that last bit up, but it did say to update soon. so I guess 90 weeks is long enough. It's funny cause I realized I started this journal when I moved home from Ottawa about 4 years ago... now I am back in North Bay again lol. This time feels like longer though, I actually have a good job now, and I am living rent free. Me and Jack (my dog) are quite content for now. Way too much has been happening lately to update tonight, and honestly I don't even know if anyone will read this anyway... if you are out there and at all interested, let me know and I will write a novel on here!