
Aug 16, 2005 22:51

yesterday i hung out with tara and stefano.. first me n tara went rollar blading it was soo much fun and then we all came back to my house to swim but we didnt end up swimming tara had to go home so me n stefano played some basketball and then katie n melanie and ryan *unfortunately* stopped by! i was happy katie and mel did but not ryan! Later on during the nigh shelly came over along with justin and his two friends jimmy and luke, it was fun even tho justin wouldnt take his dollar! gosh wat a loser ...haha...

today i woke up really really late it was funny. then i hung out with shelly and we decided to go to kyles work it was soo much fun we like biked 6 miles today! there were soo many guys honking at us we were ready to like i dont know shelly was ready to kill em! lmao! that was a fun experience... and then i came home and ate some food and went shopping with my mommy for school...  got some clothes, we couldnt really shop today though so we are gunna go over the weekend i think...

maybe i should just stay single...
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