Maybe, Just Maybe (Chapter 1)

Apr 10, 2011 14:17

Title: Maybe, Just Maybe 
Rating: PG-13, touchy thoughts, no hardcore stuff. Yet. :3
Summary: Ian is curious about the erotic fanfiction they received on Ian is Bored and he's having strange thoughts about Anthony.
A/N: This is my first Smosh Slash ever! Tell me what you guys think~ It took me days to figure out how to start this lol. I want to make this as exciting and suspenseful as possible!
Disclaimer: I does not own Smosh. Kind of impossible for a 16 year old girl xD

Chapter One

"... And cut!" There was a moment of high fives and clapping. "Great job, guys!" The Smosh Team were over at Ian and Anthony's house to film their newest video. They wanted to get it done as soon as possible, since there was going to be so much editing to do later. Ian plops down on the cool grass after working all day under the hot sun. He smelled liked summer heat. He lays down flat on his back and closes his eyes. He lets out a sigh of relief and exhaustion. He hears the grass ruffle above his head."Hey Ian." A voice said. He opens his eyes to see Anthony upside-down hovering over his face.
"Hey Anthony." Ian said in an indifferent voice.
"Let's go help put away the film equipment." Anthony smiled and offered his hand to Ian. Ian grabs his firm hand, slightly bigger than his, and got up on to his feet. "Just a few more things to take care of."
"Ahh..." Ian moaned. "We've been working all day. Can't we just rest for like 5 minutes?" The two guys start walking towards the front door of their baby blue home. Ian was really tired than usual.
"It's just a few lights and cameras. Then we can relax." Anthony said.
"Oh alright." Ian opened the door and Anthony followed. "You were totally struggling today, Anthony. The blooper reel is going to be way longer than the actual vid." Ian laughed.
"Shut up." Anthony laughed. "My lines were like a frickin` tongue twister. What about you? At least I remembered my lines!"
That won Ian over. Ian always seems to lose at arguments with Anthony. They always had fun arguing like best friends should, as long as they were joking.
After 15 minutes of packing up the equipment and cleaning up, the Smosh Team planned their next filming session and left. It was about 7:30 in the evening.
"Alright. I'm gonna go take a shower." Anthony headed for the bathroom. 
"Don't be too long, young lady." Ian joked. 
"Yes, mom." Anthony said in a teenage girl voice.
Ian finished cleaning the dishes and went to the computer room where they usually did their editing. He turned on his iMac computer and logged on to Youtube. He noticed there were so many comments on one particular Ian Is Bored episode. The episode was the one where they were opening fanmail and someone sent them that erotic fanfiction with the condoms attached to it. A lot of the comments basically said the same thing: I really want to read the rest of that fanfiction! Ian remembered how embarrassed he was when he read that letter. He decided to not finish it, but his curiosity got the better of him. He looked around the room for that letter. It was laying inside one of the many post-office bins. He got a hold of that letter and dared himself to finish the remaining two sentences. He found himself red immediately.
"Oh my God..." he chuckled to himself. "This is so ridiculous."
"What's so ridiculous?" Ian turned around in surprise and saw Anthony by the doorway of the room when he overheard him. He was wearing only a towel from the waist down. He was drying his wet, shiny hair with another towel and his upper torso was drenched. Ian burned up quickly. He looked a lot more attractive when he was wet... 
Ian shook his head to get those really weird thoughts out of his mind. He hid the letter behind his back. "D'ah... just uh. Something my mom sent me and it's really embarrassing." Ian couldn't possibly let Anthony know he was curious about the hot letter. He was so sure Anthony was going to think disgustingly of him. 
"Really? Let me see." Anthony started towards him.
"Ah no it's fine!" Ian said quickly. The letter was still in his hand. He had to make sure Anthony wouldn't see it. 
"Dude. Can't be that bad." Anthony smirked. "You're naturally an embarrassing person."
Ian stretched out his arm to stop Anthony from coming any closer in an impulsive way. He realized his palm was right on his hard chest. His heart starts beating fast. He slightly looked down at his abs, too. His body was... beautiful. He looked up at him and even with a very confused expression on his face, his dark brown eyes sparkled. Ian didn't realize he was caressing his body a little bit. Ian hurriedly took his hand off his chest. "Uh sorry... A-Anyway! I better go take a shower now!" 
Ian moved his way around Anthony and hurried to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and took in a deep breath.
What the hell was that? Ian thought. Why did my heart suddenly start beating faster when I saw Anthony? He took out the letter that he managed to slip into his back pocket. He took one more look at it and shook his head again to release his weird thoughts. 
Ian stripped off his t-shirt and jeans. He gets in the tub and turns on the shower and momentarily enjoys the refreshing hot water beating against him. He then remembers the feel of Anthony's chest when he massaged his own with the soap. He's seen Anthony shirtless a million times, but the feel of his pecks were amazing. He had an idea what girls felt like when they would touch his body; hot. Ian was always a bit jealous of Anthony's figure. He was slightly more built than him. Then he starts to create scenarios in his mind of what might have happened next. Extremely crazy it was, he couldn't help himself. After watching a romance movie days ago out of complete boredom, he imagines Anthony wrapping his arm around his waist, like the man did to the woman in the movie, pressing his wet torso against his own body and presses one finger on his bottom lip. Ian would be lost in his deep gaze. Ian felt hot by the water and his thoughts. Anthony comes closer to his lips... Wait! No! He snapped in his thoughts. Stop it Ian! Why are you thinking-- 
"WAH!" Ian was way too caught up in his daydream that he slipped on the bar of soap he didn't realize he dropped. He bumped his knee on the shower faucet so hard he was almost in tears. "Shit..."
"Yo Ian!" Anthony knocked on the other side of the bathroom door. That fall must've been so loud. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine!" Ian yelled back. Water was still falling above his head as he squatted in the tub. He was rubbing his knee and the pain was so excruciating, he was practically bleeding. 
"Okay." Anthony was no longer at the door.
"...Damnit." Ian did his best to get back on his feet without slipping again. The water stung his knee.

After drying up and putting on a t-shirt and shorts, he went to the living room and saw Anthony watching T.V. He limped his way to the couch and sat next to him. He had a paper towel compressed on his knee to stop the bleeding. 
"Dude. What happened?" Anthony took notice when he sat down.
"Uh. I fell in the shower and hit my knee." 
"What were you doing anyway?" Anthony asked suspiciously.
Ian remembered the daydream he had. "I dropped the soap by accident and slipped."
"You are so clumsy." Anthony said. 
Ian ignored his statement. He lifted the towel to examine his scar. 
"Ian, you're gushing out blood." Anthony's eyes widened. The scar was really serious. "You're going to stain the carpet."
"Well, obviously I'm trying to not die from massive blood loss." Ian said sarcastically. The pain got worse whenever he tried to bend it. "God, it hurts."
"Dude, you have to disinfect it or else it'll get worse." Anthony confirmed. "Here. I'll help you." He got up and started for the hallway.
"It's not that bad--" Ian flinched from the sting and yelped in pain.
"Yeah, right." Anthony rolled his eyes and disappeared to the bathroom. He came back with a mini first-aid kit. He knelt on one knee in front of Ian and lifted his leg to land on his other propped up knee. 
"Hey, I can do it myself, Anthony. I'm not a little kid you know." Ian said.
"You would have disinfected this by now if you knew how to do this." Anthony got the materials out of the kit. That won Ian over once again. He was really embarrassed that a grown man had to help him with a little, yet severely injured scar. But at the same time, he felt a tad bit grateful for Anthony taking care of him.
Anthony put some anti-biotic cream on a Q-tip and slowly spread it around Ian's wound. He flinched a little bit but it didn't hurt as bad anymore. Ian was watching him take such gentle care of his scar. He noticed some features on Anthony that he never bothered to look at. The way his dark brown hair flew over his right eye; eyelashes were pretty long and the big nose he would always complain about really suited his face structure. Ian's eyes moved down to his light pink lips. They looked soft and sweet, like cotton candy. He loved the delicate taste of cotton candy. 
"Alright. Done." Anthony finished wrapping a long white bandage around his knee. Ian was totally lost in thought that he didn't realize his wound had already been treated. He's been spacing out a lot. Anthony set the first-aid kit on the coffee table and sat back down next to him.
"Uh. Thanks man." The two of them continued watching T.V. They were watching Wheel of Fortune and they would feel like a boss whenever they got a puzzle right. They were content where they were; relaxed and no more worries about filming for a while.
After a few rounds, Anthony spoke. "Hey Ian."
"Hmm?" Ian was watching a woman jump for joy after winning a trip to the Bahamas.
"What was this doing on the bathroom counter?" 
Ian turned to Anthony and saw that he was holding the erotic fanfiction. FUCK. He could feel his heart beating fast now. He completely forgot he left that by the bathroom sink before stripping his clothes off earlier. There were several things going through his mind at that moment: I'm such an idiot for leaving that letter there. What is he thinking? Does he think I'm curious or gay? I am definitely not gay, that's for sure! He had to think of an excuse. "Uh. Well you see, I have this friend," he started. "And she's writing a story for her creative writing class and I thought maybe this could give her inspiration... yeah, it's erotic, but the writing style here is quite amazing, right? Plus she saw this in the Ian is Bored episode and she couldn't stop laughing at our reactions so she wanted to check it out." He found himself rambling. "I was going to give it to her to look at earlier but I guess I accidentally left it in the bathroom..." That was good of an excuse, right? It was pretty believable. Somewhat.
Anthony just gave him an odd look but didn't feel the need to question. "Okay, good. I thought it was something I had to be concerned about." He said a little suspiciously, but in a joking matter.
"Whoa, dude, no. Never." Ian reassured. His heart beat normally again. 
"Okay. But really, Ian. If there's anything you ARE concerned about, just tell me." Anthony joked.
"Shut up, you bastard. I'm not concerned about anything." Ian playfully punched him.


first, smosh, pg-13, slash

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