First Kiss (September Challenge)

Sep 06, 2011 12:22

Title: First Kiss (September 2011 Challenge)
Rating: PG-13, language & fluff
Pairing: AnthonyXIan
Summary: Ian runs away from home because of an argument with his parents and ends up at the Padilla house.
A/N: First challenge evaaar! :3 (Takes place during the time of adolescence.)
Disclaimer: No Smosh is owned of mine.

I start school tomorrow D; Senior year! Whoo! So I wanted to end it right via internet by writing up my first challenge on this community. Tell me what you think please!


"Ian, just tell us the truth!" 
It was about eight in the evening, a Friday. The sun was hidden behind gloomy, grey clouds and the wind violently howled in the air. Houses creaked and trees leaned dangerously low. 
"I am telling the truth! Why don't you guys believe me?" Ian cried to his parents. Three fourths of the Hecox family gathered around the dining table. Voices echoed throughout the hard walls of the kitchen. 
"Son, you haven't been honest with us for the past few weeks." Mr. Hecox sighed. "First, it was cheating on your history exam, then the grafitti on one of your teacher's car, now drugs? This is serious, Ian."
"I told you!" Ian's fists tightened on the circular wooden table. "This kid cheated off of me and I tried to stop those jerks from writing on Mrs. Sullivan's car. And I would NEVER do drugs. Those weren't even mine to begin with!"
"What's gotten into you, Ian?" His mother wiped a tear from her bright blue eye. "You're such a good kid and you suddenly decided to do all this?"
"You got suspended for a week and the Principal said you need to see a counselor twice a week." His father held on to his wife's trembling shoulders. "Honestly, Ian. We do everything to make you happy and you--"
Ian couldn't hold his anger anymore. He slammed his palms on to the table. His face was bright red and his eyes were watery. "I CAN'T believe this! Forget it! It's no use trying to explain to you guys!" 
Ian ran out the kitchen, grabbed his maroon sweatshirt off the couch and ran out the front door. He could hear his father yelling after him, but Ian was long gone before his father had the chance to stop him.

Ian had no idea where he was running to. He hid his teary eyes underneath his hoodie. He didn't care where he was running away to, as long as it was away from his home. Rain started to pour and he stopped by a lamppost to catch his breath. Being part of his high school's cross country team definitely had its advantages. Ian looked up at the dark sky, watched the raindrops fall on the tip of his nose. His hoodie fell back and he didn't bother to put it back on. The rain washed down his long milk chocolate hair; it felt quite relaxing. He didn't care if he got sick or anything, but he needed to find shelter fast as soon as he heard thunder. 
Ian face palmed himself when he realized he left his cell phone back at home. He looked around at street signs to see if he was anywhere near his friends' houses. Even though he lived in a small neighborhood where everyone knew everybody, Ian only had a few options. He could go to Jerry's house, but his cat hated him. Dylan's house was another alternative, but his younger sister was his stalker and Ian was in no mood for questions about what kind of toothpaste he uses. And then he remembered Anthony Padilla's house was right around the corner, not too far from where he lived. The rain became heavier and Ian sprinted to his house. Ian knocked on the wooden door when the doorbell wasn't working. He pounded even harder after not getting a response for a minute.
"Yo." Anthony opened the door and groggily greeted his best friend. "What are you doing here?"
"Sorry to bother you so late, man. And sorry if I woke you up or anything." Ian started to shiver from the rain. "Can I come in please?"
Anthony rubbed his brown eyes and concern immediately rushed to his face. "Dude, you're soaking wet."
"No shit, Sherlock." Ian sarcastically remarked. Anthony made way for Ian to enter into his home. Anthony closed the door and ran to the hallway closet  to grab a towel for him. 
"Thanks, Ant." Ian wiped his hair on the blue towel like a dog, splashing water everywhere. 
"Ah, Ian. You're gonna get sick if you stay in those clothes." Anthony sighed.
"Stop sounding like my mother, man." Ian said. 
"Ugh, I'll be right back." Anthony rolled his eyes and disappeared to his room. A few moments later, he came back with a pair of long blue plaid pajamas and a Mario graphic-T. "Here. Change into these."
"Dude, it's fine--" Ian got interrupted with a sneeze.
"Now." Anthony handed the clothes to Ian. He reluctantly took them and headed to the bathroom.

Ian locked the bathroom door behind him and took a moment to observe the cleanest bathroom he's ever seen in his life. Anthony's parents were neat freaks. The mirror and the counter tops were spotless. The aroma was really pleasant as well; a sweet scent of french vanilla. Ian removed his sweatshirt, his red T-shirt and jeans. He put on the Anthony's clothes and checked himself on the giant shiny mirror. Anthony was taller and wider than Ian, so his clothes were slightly drowning him. But they felt so warm and comfy. He ran a hand through his wet thick hair and folded up his wet clothes. He met up with Anthony who was patiently waiting for him in the dimmed lit living room. 
"Thank you, Anthony." Ian placed his clothes on top of the towel and sat next to his best friend on the couch. "Sorry for intruding."
"S'all good, bro. Parents are gone for the weekend, so you're welcome." Anthony reassured. He felt a tad bit awkward seeing Ian in his clothes. He didn't realize how much bigger he was compared to him. "So what brings you here?"
Ian let out a big sigh and held his knees against his chest. He could feel his cheeks warming up. "My parents were bitching at me about the drugs. I couldn't take it anymore."
"No way. Are you kidding me?" Anthony was the only person who knew that Ian was completely innocent about everything. 
"No." Ian dug his face into his knees. "Now I'm suspended, need counseling and worst of all, I'm out of cross country for the rest of the season."
Anthony wasn't into high school sports, but he understood why cross country was such a big deal to Ian. He wanted to get a scholarship off of it and it was a very good way to escape the stress and pressure of high school. "Ian, we have to do something about this. It's been over a month since all this shit started happening."
"There's no point, Anthony." Ian sighed. He slightly lift his head from his knees and his blue eyes were already puffy. Anthony grabbed the tissue box off of the coffee table and handed it to him. Ian blew a fast one into a tissue."No one fucking believes me. Not my parents, my sister, no one."
"I believe you, man." Anthony reassured. "That's why I want to help you. You're my best friend; it's my job to be there for you."
Ian managed to give him a smile. Ian knew Anthony since middle school and it's not every so often to see his best friend's sensitive side. Anthony was very popular in high school and many questioned why he would always hang out with Ian. But no one understood the special kind of friendship they shared.
The kitchen phone rang and Anthony rushed to answer it. Based on the conversation he heard, Ian knew it was his parents. His parents were very fond of Anthony so they allowed to him to stay overnight, even though he was in bigger trouble for running away. 
"I'll think of something for you, Ian." Anthony hung up the kitchen phone. He grabbed two controllers of the Nintendo64 and handed one to Ian. "Come on. Let's play some Star Fox 64!"
"Alright!" Ian grabbed the controller and prepared for some epic manly video games.

After a few hours of classic Nintendo64 games, hot and ready delivered cheese pizza, and stories about middle school crushes, it was already two in the morning. Ian needed this night and was totally glad he came to Anthony's house. He passed out on the couch while Anthony cleaned up the pizza box and soda cans. He wiped the coffee table and put the controllers away. He definitely got the cleanliness trait from his parents. Anthony got a blanket from his room and covered Ian with it. As he gently tucked him in, Anthony took a minute and analyzed his best friend's face. Ian was pretty adorable as an adolescent kid. Facial hair didn't grow yet for both boys so his face was very smooth; it was like a baby's skin. Anthony shifted Ian's light brown hair away from his eyes. Ian talked in his sleep for a moment and made Anthony giggle. He cupped one side of Ian's delicate face and leaned in for a kiss. Ian's lips were so soft and warm like a cloud. Anthony slightly bit Ian's bottom lip and he could feel him slowly kissing him back. Anthony backed away immediately, thinking he might have woken Ian up.
Anthony pressed a few fingers of his own lips, realizing what he just did. He didn't know why he did it, he wasn't into his best friend like that. But somehow, something in his mind was telling him to do so. And it felt really nice and passionate. Not to mention, it was his first one. He glanced down at his best friend if he was about to wake up and punch him for kissing him. If Ian asked, Anthony would just play along and say he had a really good dream. But instead, Ian continued to snore and a smile appeared on his face. Anthony knew right off the bat he was able to make his best friend happy again and smiled. As long as his best friend was happy, what else did he need?


boy, september, fluff, ian, challenge, smosh, anthony

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