Maybe, Just Maybe (Chapter 3)

Apr 21, 2011 11:39

Title: Maybe, Just Maybe
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ian is starting to realize his small feelings for Anthony.
A/N: The next chapter of Maybe, Just Maybe! Tell me what you guys think! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I does not own Smosh! Never! (Sadly.)

Chapter Three

"FUCK!" The horrid scream caused Ian to choke on his water. He placed his glass down next to his iMac computer and ran to where that scream came from. He sees Anthony bent over the coffee table in the living room with his head drooping.
"Dude, what happened?" Ian asked.
"I threw out my back. It hurts." Anthony's hand was on the side of his back while the other was on the coffee table.
"Man, you're old." Ian smirked.
"Just fucking help me, you dick!" By the tone of Anthony's voice, he wasn't in the mood for jokes. Ian sighed and went over to him. He put one arm around Anthony's waist and carefully lifted him up from the table. Anthony placed his arm around Ian's shoulders to counteract the balance of both of them. Ian guided him to the couch and slowly sat him down.
"What were you doing anyway?" Ian asked. He sat down next to Anthony.
"I was looking for the wireless controller for the xbox. It's missing." Anthony was rubbing his back. He cringed every time he tried to move.
"Dave borrowed it, remember? Cause his broke."
"I didn't know that."
"Well, now you do." Ian examined the back of Anthony. "Looks like it hurts a lot. Oh! Let me massage you!" Ian happily offered.
Anthony looked at him suspiciously. "No, that's gay."
"What's so gay about me giving you a massage?" Ian questioned.
"There are so many things that's gay about it." Anthony rolled his eyes.
"Just let me massage you." Ian said in a firm voice. He really wanted to help him out.
"Fine." Anthony sighed. He slowly turned his back to Ian. Ian placed his hands on his shoulders. He put slight pressure to start the massage. "Where did you learn how to massage?" Anthony asked curiously.
"I saw this show on T.V. Where's the pain?"
"Lower." Anthony said. "What show were you watching?"
Ian could hear him giggle. He moved down a little bit on his warm back, still rubbing the tips of his fingers in a circular motion to find any knots. He found a few. "Hey. I learned a lot from it and I wanted to try it out. I've always wanted the skill of massaging." He wasn't afraid of his best friend judging him. Sometimes. "Is the pain here?"
"Lower." Anthony said. Ian moved down a little bit more. "Lower."
Ian started to wonder where this pain was. He was already on the lower back and if Anthony says lower again, he's afraid of massaging on an area that shouldn't be massaged at all. "Here..?"
"A little bit to the right side."  Ian moved his hand to his side. Anthony's body was tall and broad. He pressed his finger tips a little harder on his red t-shirt. "Ah yeah... right there." Anthony was quite surprised with Ian's massaging skills. He didn't regret accepting his offer after all. It felt really good. "Yeah, that's-- AHAH!" Anthony fling his arms around to push Ian away. Apparently Ian squeezed his side instead of massaging it, which caused him to tickle Anthony.
"Whoa!" Ian dodged his surprise attack by gripping onto his t-shirt. He fell backwards on the couch along with Anthony on his grip, causing him to twist over and fall right on top of him.

At that moment, they were face to face. Ian was about to yell at Anthony to get off of him, but those big brown eyes of his caught him off guard. Both the tip of their noses were touching. Ian's eyes couldn't get off of Anthony's. They were big, but they both sparkled. They were beautiful dark brown eyes that could make anyone melt. And that 'anyone' happened to be Ian. Anthony didn't move at all either. He was staring into Ian's crystal blue eyes as well. But he didn't know that. Ian kept moving his eyes around Anthony's manly face. His eyes got attracted to his light pink and sweet lips. Ian's face turned red in a blink of an eye. He was so sure Anthony could hear his heart thump loud and quick. His stomach was in great pain from those crazy butterflies again. And at that moment, a moment where time just stopped, a moment where nothing else mattered in the world, he just wanted a taste of his lips; to kiss that sweet cotton candy lips of his. 
After a moment that seemed forever, Ian shut his eyes, too embarrassed by his own desire, and turned his head. "Anthony. Can you please get off me?"
Anthony had forgotten he was nearly crushing his best friend with his weight. "Oh. Sorry." He slowly got up and helped Ian up, too. They both sat up on the couch, a little bit distanced from each other, in awkward silence. Anthony's face was a bit flustered, but not as much as Ian. "Oh, hey. Thanks for the massage. I feel better now." He smiled a bit.
Ian was too spaced out that all he managed to say was "Ah yeah..."
"...Ian?" Anthony's concerned voice got his attention. He inconspicuously shook his head and had a big smile on his face. The last thing he ever needed right now is for Anthony to question what just happened.
"Ah you're very welcome! The massage, I meant. I'm just that awesome; I can cure any pain." Anthony just looked at him funny. He was about to say something, but Ian cut him off. "Oh yeah! I forgot to mail in something today. I'm gonna go to the post office before it closes!" Ian got up and skipped merrily to the front door. 
"Wait Ian--" Ian shut the front door on Anthony's voice. And he just stood there, leaning outside on the front door with one hand gripping onto his chest. His heart couldn't stop beating fast. He had to take deep breaths to calm himself down. Ian's mind was all over the place. He wasn't good at keeping his emotions in place. He had to go somewhere; not too far but somewhere to get himself back together. The post office was just around the corner so he escaped by foot before Anthony had the chance to open the door and chase after him.

Ian didn't go to the post office, since he had nothing to mail in. Instead, he went to the market that was right next to it and sat on the bench just outside the market window. A lot of people were going in and out, considering it was only 5 in the evening. He watched a couple of cars go by, saw an elderly couple help each other with their groceries, and a group of teenagers walking by and laughing. Life was just passing by Ian and all he could think about was how close Anthony's face was to his. Ian let his head fall back on the bench and let his thoughts take over him. Why. Why are you always on my mind now. He thought. He shut his eyes tight. Why can't I get you off my mind. Fricking Anthony Padilla.
Ian let out a big sigh and checked his cell phone. 5:21. It's been almost 2 hours since he left the house. He decided he should back before Anthony would start a search party for him. 
Ian got back to the house to see Anthony almost done editing their video they filmed a few days ago. "Wow. You're almost done with the video?" 
"Yup. I'd say about an hour more." Anthony said. 
Ian wasn't surprised that Anthony didn't ask why he was gone for so long. Probably because he was caught up in his editing. But there was something building up inside of him. Something he couldn't quite figure out; something he was curious about. "Anthony, how do you know when you like someone?" Anthony turned around in his computer chair and looked at Ian. Ian looked back, too, realizing what the hell he just asked. "...I'm just asking."
Anthony was quite surprised by Ian's random question, but all he gave him was a small smile. "I'm pretty sure you know that by having all those crushes in the past. Like, you would space out a lot. You also wouldn't act like your dorky, giddy self, either. Just like what you're doing right now." 
Ian raised an eyebrow. "How did you know I do that stuff?"
Anthony got up from his computer chair and walked over to Ian. Their height difference isn't much, but he looked down at him and poked his forehead. "We're best friends, dude. I know you so well."
Ian didn't know why, but those words just sounded comforting. Still, having these feelings and emotions were just so weird, but he felt like he was going to be okay with what he was feeling. Little by little. He smiled a little bit.
"Looks like Ian has yet another crush on someone." Anthony said happily. He put his arm around Ian and gave him a bromance squeeze. "You should tell me about her sometime, okay?"
Ian was speechless for a second. But he looked up at Anthony and smiled. "Sure."

The rest of the evening involved a movie and pizza. It was around 2 in the morning when Anthony passed out in his room after cleaning up. Ian got ready for bed, but he was wide awake. He just laid there on his comfy mattress and stared at the ceiling. Alright. Let's see. Ian started counting off his fingers. I was only curious about the fanfic. Every time he does something cute, I can't help but smile and laugh. I am spacing out a lot now. He noticed I don't act like my usual nerdy self, too. I get flustered every time he looks at me now. I can't stop thinking about him. He blinked for a second and shoved a pillow to his face. "Damnit. It's true." He sat up and put a hand to his hot forehand. He looked quite attractive thinking hard. "I have a crush on my best friend."

Maybe. Just maybe. He thought and drifted off to dreamland.


EDIT: I didn't realize I got the massaging part from an actual video of their's. Anthony really does say "No, that's gay." I'm just amused by that XD

smosh, pg-13, slash

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