(no subject)

Mar 02, 2006 21:45

Hosted a House Party??? no
Been to a Party (not Birthday)yah
Talked all Night to someone??? well pretty much all night
Been to another Country??? no lol
Been in a Fight??? umm hmm
Been so Drunk you Couldn't Walk??? once or so
Played a Drinkin Game??? yeah
Broke The Law??? umm yeah =(
Been Arrested??? no
Chased By The Cops??? lol no
Been in Love??? yes i have and it hurt sooo much after
Been in Love with Someone and they Didn't Know??? um lol no
Been Dumped??? ummmm once
Dumped Someone??? yes just 5 minutes ago .. i feel bad but it wasnt working
Dated Someone For More then a Year??? yes
Madeout with someone of the oppsite Sex??? yes
Madeout with Someone Of the Same Sex??? umm kissed
Had Sex??? yes
Drank??? yes
Done Drugs??? nope
Been in a Car Reck??? um kinda lol
Kissed In the Rain??? yes
Kissed more than 1 person in a Night??? no
Kissed one person while kissing another person at the Same Time??? no
Set Fire to Something???lol no
Played a Sport??? yes
Been Married??? no
Been Skinny Dippin??? yeah
Watched the Sun Rise??? yes and set
Stayed awake for 2 days??? no lol couldnt do it
Shot a Gun??? yes
Killed anything with a Gun??? no
Been to Church??? yep
Scared Someone??? yea a few people
Told someone you loved them but you really didnt?? yes...
Pushed people away from you?? yes some
Ever been scared of a relationship?? yes.... ughhh
Made a big mistake with a guy you thought you liked? kinda
Ever cheated on a love? yes i have
Stayed quiet when you should have said something?? yes
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