(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 16:40

It's been awhile, ha.

Sunday was softball, and I actually hitttt! Andddd, I got to see my lovely, "go tell someone that cares," friend. Yup, that's right, my friend?! HA. ilovesam.

Honeslty, I cannot remember a thing from Monday, sad I know, all I can remember is I had a TON of hw. It sucked, majorly.

Today was alright. I woke up late, haha like a half hr late, oh well I guess. First hr is just so boring I can hardly stay awake. 2nd hr is ok, we've been doing worksheets so its not too bad. In Francais today we had a test:D Hopefully I did well. Lunch was cool, talked to flathead a lot, its been awhile. iloveyouflathead. In science we got to bend glass, it was very cool. In keyboarding, yeah pretty self explanatory..., and in geometry ehh nothing much haha. Had some good times with emily at our lockers haha, "I thought me knee went out!" wow<3

Bus was cool. Cas and I tend to have a good time. "Have you gotten the curse of the phantom?!" ilovecasey.

So halloween is SUNDAY. Wow, no idea what I'm being but I know that Danielle is comin' over then we are going to ang's I believe, to trickortreat with the girlsssss:) should be a grand time.

Cas, might go to toronto with me:D wow it would be a great time let me tell you, cas and I together for a weekend, woo watch out;) I think bri is going too:) havent seen her in a long time:D

Andddd to conclude, volleyball is coming up OMG i am SO excited, I hope I make itttt:D

alrighty leave oneee
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