Oct 09, 2004 21:12
Funny story, ok so we are in french, and Madame needs a tissue to wipe off the overhead or whatever. So she asks this girl to go get a tissue and the girl, I think it was Kim Z., just looked at her with a blank look, so Madame told her again and she understood somewhat. SO THEN, kim gets up and starts blowing her nose! FUNNIEST THING EVER, wow.
Yeah, friday was gay gay and more gay.
Today was gayEST. I did nothing at all, like no one was home and I was so BORED, ugh I hate being bored. Tomorrow is gonna be cool though because I believe I am going to open gym with CASEY:) Should be a good time. Then I have softball from 4-6 and I get to see my other love samantha MARY scott. Gonna be a grand time, I love softball. Hmm, I'm going to go to the East bball game when they play Mir & Sam's team, should be sweet.
I really wanna go to the movies and see what it looks like now.
We have 3 half days next week, somehow I find a great joy in that. Who wouldn't. And even better, LEE DOESN'T HAVE ANY HALF DAYS so I will have the house to myself if my mom works. Sweet right? defffff.
Yesterday I went and picked Lee up from his FIRST dance, aww. The 6th graders are so TINY, it's like the generations are getting smaller and smaller.
Ummm, it would be really cool to go to a haunted house, anyone up for one next weekend?
So I redid my journal, it makes my eyes hurt when I lookat it lol but i don't even care I don't feel like changing it so I'm not gonna, and I don't care what anyone thinks so don't leave a comment with your opinion:) Thanks.
Alright that's it, I have nothing else to say, I think I'm gonna go eat a popsicle.