(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 20:43

i got tagged.

i like...
-being with friends
-having fun
-dave mathews

lindsay, girrrrl. i had fun with you today. = ) even though it was only two hours. and we went to Moe's instead of church. ahaha, but saturday your coming to the jamboree at sirrine. mmkay?  annnd, i love our wonderful talks about nothing, and taking pictures of salt and pepper. hahaa its still my background to my phone.  call me tonight, when Laguna Beach comes on.. ahaha so like 1. i looove you i looove you i loooove you.  -me

julia's mommy  brought us dinner tonight.  ahhh, how delightful.


" i can only imagine, what it will be like, when i walk, by your side... I can only imagine what my eyes with see, when your face is before me.. I can ONly imagine.. I can only imagine.... Surrounded by your glory. what will my heart feel? will I dance for you Jesus, or will all of me be still? Will i stand it your presence? or to my knees will I fall, will i sing Halelujiah, will i be able to speak at all? I can only imagine... yeah... i can only Imagaine..."   jksjdfkdsjfsd. OKAy, thats my favorite song ever.

lindsay i wish you were here right now.....

so im really ready for school to start. to see all my friends. but, i dont want to start the day of waking up super early, having lots of homeowrk, then cheerleaidng after school and then ill get home at 7, so the days are just going to be rushed and chaotic. joy.

my mom and i got in a fight earlier.  and she goes "stop acting like your 14, and just be human for like one second, goodness. your like a puburty goddess"  and i was like "then stop acting like a 50 year old menoposal nut case" and ohhhh boy did that cause drama. but whatever.  after she tried yelling at me, she laughed.

tomorrows agenda.
  1. 1030, gaffney.
  2. shop like crazy for back to school
  3. call lindsay
  4. do summer reading
  5. sit on my front porch and talk for hours with ned
  6. stay up till 2
  7. and then sleep

saturday ive gotta be at sirrine all day long. then cheer that night. first time cheering with the big girls = )  mwahahaha. i cant waiiiit.   after, i really want to go to shaggin on sirrine. so i think me and Ka and frances are gonna go. maybe catherine too, i dk.

whats tylers lj?

anyways, yall have a good night. see you kids sunday.


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