Dec 03, 2004 17:09
written by Angela*...personally i think its a work of art-
everyone searches. searches for that one person who will make everything better, who will make you happy, be there for you, let you be the person you cant be around others, the person that will make every dream and wish come true and sweep you off your feet. you will find this person, or someone poseing to be this person; which will actually turn out to be a simple trick of the mind. you will want something so bad you'll make yourself believe it's what you want because you want that empty space,that lonely feeling to go away you will change for this person while forgetting who you really are because you will fell that they deserve better. then you'll create that perfect image in your mind of the person they should be with and deserve and Poof you change. then you get scared that your going to loose this person beacuse its who you changed for, who youve become vounerable to. you want to prove everyone wrong about love. that this time it will last, that hes different and before you know it saying things you promised youself you would never saying. just to make it last and work. all to avoid a feeling, a feeling of lonelyness. a feeling of not being good enouhg. you know the relationship wont last , people change, get bored, shit happens. then when its over, when the only person youve fooled was yourself and everyone was right. you think is wrong with yourself, that if you would have said somthing different,did something different everything would be okay. but in reality when your with them nothing was okay, it was just afalse representaion of being happy and complete when deep down inside your insecure, trying to make everyone like you to escape a feeling of standing out while everyone is fitting in, you dont want to feel differnt and out of place. so your really living a lie and thats to be acceted. in the end everyone is fake trying to hide from their insecurities, and trying to hide from who they really are to impress certain people or to spark a certain persons interest..and people DO Change-