Nov 02, 2004 04:13
i am so bored so i figured i would get on here and update cuz it's been like 3 months since i have been on here so yeah any ways i am thinking about going home in Decemeber cuz i really hate it down here in Flordia and plus i might end up getting back together with my ex over Christmas break cuz we are "supopose" to get together and "talk" things out but we will be on a double date with my cousin and Anthony. Antony told me last night that umm he still like Heather so i was like umm maybe you 2 can go on a date with me and someone i am suppose to get together with over christmas break and he was like ok then i called Heather last ngiht and i was like umm you have to go out on a date with Anthony wether you want to or not and she was like ok! well that is all for now folks i will be on here in a couple of days and update again!!
PEACE Ashley Nichol Villines