Jan 09, 2005 07:09
ahhh im fkn drunk omg! this was not my plan..or wait it was. haha woo haha im happy for fkn once:) lol ahh its great omggg tonite i saved a dogggggggg:) woo go ash(H) im cool yep yep cool ash haha DREA:O!!! haha member coolgirl915:O ahh haha:$:$:$:$:$:$ hahahaha oh my..so we were here at pjs and like i barely opened my first alcoholic beverage and like they say lets go to lynns to swim and im likw wtf ppl are u insane its like 20 degrees below zero lol!!! haha so we go newayz nand these fkn craz y kids mjump in the pool haha omg it was sooo funee they got out in like 1.2 secons ands shit lol it was a sight to see haha and then we had like memory time and shit !! haha rememembering all the shit all the chicks got into haha we were fkn laughing like never before and shit. and then after mine and cindz secrets came out cuz we were drink telling em all haha someone says ( i cant tell who) haha "one time..my ass was all wet and i dont remember why" LMFAO omg i was like fkn rolling haha...and then we decided to play drunken pool and my team was winning and then they were like shhh her parents were home and i thought they were just trippen balls so i kept playing and i started winning all kinds like i was hitting all our balls in haha but her parents were really there and so we had to like run and get the bottles and her dad came in and i had a coconut rum bottle in my fkn jacket and we were like exiting the back door and i stepped on pjs shoe and then fell on some fkn laundry basket and i tried to explain myself but i was too drunk and then omg lol they were all jumping over the fence and tedra was all posted at the top of it lmfao !! ahah it was fkn funee cuz pj just opens the fence like nothing and they were all jumping it like it was locke dhahaha so we left and i feel so bad cuz lynn is having a horrible time. its her fkn bday and everything was soo fun and then went to shit im..so sorry buddy! happy fkn birthday tho i luv ya! haha k im having a good hahahah omg i forgot!! ally wtf ur leaving tomorrow and u havent even contacted me:( its making me all sad..where the fuck are you!! fuck i miss u bitch k find me okay:S:P imma call u soon!!! luv ya ..haha k and that kid that was pissing me off is still pissing me off and im still almost liking him but even more i like the other kid omg this sucks(U) okay im out bye bye i luve ya all