Nov 09, 2009 04:06
My roomie and I decided to meet for drink when I got out of work. We had a good time, ate some tasty food, drank a couple drinks, literally two. Fully understanding the consequences of my actions we decided to drive home, separately, not having had too much to drink.
Next thing I know I'm driving home the same way I always go, obeying the laws of traffic as always, perfectly in control. I passed a cop and then another one. The second one pulls out behind me. Oh Shit. What did I do? I'm going the speed limit. I'm in my lane. I maybe be sing off key and a little too loud but I'm certainly not "grooving" to the music. There's no possible way this officer could have guessed I've had two drinks. Two drinks. I should still be under the limit right? Maybe next time I should plan on taking a cab... The light's come on. I pull over. I'm very nervous now. What on earth could have given my two drink away? I wasn't speeding. Not even a little, well maybe slightly over 35 but not even close to 40. I'm rolling down my window, fishing out my license, wondering if I have an up to date insurance card, trying to remember what I did with my registration. I should probably put these thing in safe places. As I'm struggling to get my license out of the little holder, he says "don't even worry about it". Whats this? This has never happened before. Is he serious? I look up into his face with my questions in my eyes. "I just wanted to let you know you have an out headlight. I have another call." That's it. Just like that. I can go. No questions asked. No license. No proof of insurance. No registration. No two drink. Just an out headlight.
Moral of the story, call a cab. It's not worth those five seconds of terror, even if you've only had two drink with a full meal. Now I just have to get that headlight fixed.