As much as I love politics, as much as I voice my opinion and all that jazz, I cannot tell you how SICK I've become after 18+ months of campaign bullshit. Finally, it is here, and the radio, the news, commercials (which I thankfully rarely watch courtesy of my DVR) will no longer bombard us every time we tune in. There will finally be other news!
I'll keep this short and sweet and remind you that a vote for the Republican Crazies is not only a vote for Palin the moron because McCain is 72 years old, but it is also a vote to end your freedom - no abortions, no sex education, no gay rights, the rich get richer, so on and so forth.
Do the right thing. Vote DEMOCRAT.
And seriously - Palin is dumber than wood and talk about lack of experience - is that who you really want in the White House when McCain croaks - a hockey mom? I didn't think so.