Of course, as I type this, there is about 10" of snow on the ground...
Some people know about the "experiment" I have embarked upon for this winter. I'm finally going to explain myself a bit.
In a time where oil is going for over $100 a barrel for the first time ever, the ice caps are melting, and the hole in the Ozone layer is expanding, I had to take a look back at things. I've always been one to recycle everything I possibly can. But this winter, I've taken things to the extreme. It's about 25° outside right now. I live in Boston. However, the only time I turned on my heat this season was when Aaron was visiting me and he was cold. That's correct; I've been going through a winter in Boston without heat. It's not because of oil prices. My heat is central and electric. Even without the heat on right now, my thermostat reads 55. If I was to turn on the heat, the damned thing would be running all the time - forget about the cost - it generates a ton of electricity, which has severe ramifications for the environment.
Additionally, I've been fighting this war in a different way. Unless absolutely necessary, I am not using plastic (Ziploc) bags, plastic wrap, or anything of the sorts. If I am wrapping something up to put it in the fridge, even if it is a cut fruit or vegetable, it goes into Tupperware. I know you may think this is nuts, but think about how many plastic bags you can go through just by packing your lunch every day for a month! Sandwiches, chips, vegetables, etc. all fit nicely into reusable Tupperware. Please don't buy that Ziploc cheapo crap that melts in the dishwasher and can only be used a few times. Buy the real thing; original Tupperware is the best.
I'm reusing things moreso than I used to. I'm cramming every inch of my dishwasher with dishes before I turn it on. I'm lucky that I live in Somerville, and I can recycle every plastic number, as well as every little scrap of paper. Every paper with which I am finished - scrap paper, computer paper, cereal and other food boxes - anything you can think of - goes into the recycling. The end result is that it takes me more than a week to fill up a trash bag, most of which that goes in there is compostable and biodegradeable. I'll only take it out before it gets full if it starts to smell. I put my washing machine on the lowest water setting possible for each load, and I'm not doing laundry until I have large loads. I put as little as possible in the dryer, and most of my clothing gets hung on the drying rack.
Yes, I still do drive most places, but I have a bad knee, and I have to restrict my movement. Also, most places I go, the T does not. Case-in-point, I'm babysitting in Natick tonight, and I can't take the T there. While I do drive an SUV, it is not a gas guzzler, and I've been told the emissions are fine. When I run errands, I try to do everything in one fell sweep, so not to waste gas and such.
So remember, you can make it through the winter, even in Boston, without the heat on. If you get a little chilly, throw on a sweater! You people in Florida really DON'T need to turn on the heat when the low gets down to 50° .
What are you doing to help out the Environment?