Mar 11, 2006 19:50
I'm just sitting here watching Friday Night Lights.... wow, I didn't even realize it but this is the first movie mike and i saw together way back when. It was the second day, not even, that we knew each other. I think it was October 15,2004. :( This is going to be ok. I am slowly getting over him. MA told me today when I was over that someone will come along when I least expect it, and I know she's right. That's generally how it happens with me. One minute I'm sitting around all worried about nothing and then the next minute I have three 'suiters' all at once.... I don't understand that but oh well. Anyways, that's not what I got on to talk about...
Went to Ohio for a few days and that was awesome as always. I witnessed the birth of a calf, the death of another calf and so that was way cool. Well the death wasn't cool, that really sucked actually. It was doing well and probably would have made it but we think the mom cow stepped on it or something:( guinea hens are really really annoying...
my cousin thought it'd be funny to ask this guy that I like to go to formal with me... grrr. He said he doesn't do dances... so I probably won't be doing much about that. I was going to call my cousin and get his number and call him myself but my mom said not to even worry about it so I'm just gonna let it go. my cousin went dress shopping with my mom and i.... that was funny! i kept pulling dresses for him and told him that was a good color for him... hahahaha. I love him! He's great! I just wish he didn't have such an attitude problem, I put up with him though. I give him a hard time every second we're together, but he's pretty good at dishing it out as well. I sure do miss them, already and I've only been gone a couple days. I love the farm and can't wait to go back and visit again. I love going 4-wheelin' with the guys. Maybe next time I'll ride with Nate since my cousin will probably have his g/f out there.... grrr... I like her but at the same time I don't think he's happy with her.. that makes me sad b/c he deserves and needs a girl to keep him upbeat and positive about things, and she doesn't as far as I can tell. hmmmmm...
well enough about that.
I have been looking into Kentucky a lot these past few weeks. I think that's where I'm gonna live. Probably near Lexington, aka the Horse Capitol of the World, I am way excited. And if I can arrange things in time I would LOVE to go down there and work on a farm this summer or work with a vet at the Kentucky Derby. If not then I'll probably stay in MP and try to get in with a vet there. Or I could always come home and work with our 'family' vet even though he's specifically small animal, but there are quite a few vets around here (creek) that do large animal... I'm so excited for this summer!!! SERIOUSLY!!!
Ok, I'll be back later. Mom wants to go... tchao!