Jan 03, 2005 00:19
ABC's: For each letter of the alphabet pick a person, saying, or thing that the letter reminds you of.
A- Ashlee, duh!
B- Big Booty BermuDeZ! haha
C- Cash
D- Denial (Stage 3)
E- Eric Elmore, funny mother fucker!
F- Fuck
G- Gangstaaa
H- Hallucination (Stage 4)
I- "I" have to do everything! dammit!
J- Jay Jay, Johnny, Jon-O
K- KyLe
L- Loser!
M- MarTinA!!
N- Neverland
P- Paranoia (Stage 1)& Pam
Q- Quesadilla... hahaaha
R- Rotation, Robert
S- SHAYNE! & Stupid
T- Target
U- Usher, Umbrella
V- Virgin
W- WesT side!
X- xoxo
Y- YuM
Z- Zay.. only Z I could think of!