F'ing Covid

Jan 15, 2022 12:11

So it's halfway through January, and it's even more rubbish than a normal January. It took my sister several days and cancelled flights to get home after Christmas (I was some days later and made it fine), after which she went into the office to work exactly one day, and interacted with exactly one person, all masked up.

Naturally, she has Covid now. I have a lot of words for her workplace, which wanted people back in the office at least part of the week for no discernible reason except somebody high up said so - most of the work is still virtual and can easily be done from home - and now has two dozen people out sick with Omicron. Sis and her boss put up a bit of a fight (boss is immunocompromised and was never that big a fan of stopping WFH in the first place) so now their department is WFH again, but of course it's too late.

So far I don't have any symptoms yet (I don't think? I have the usual allergies and am maybe a little more tired than normal, but it's also January and I'm lazy and out of shape, so....) I suppose I'll come down with it just in time for my birthday or something. We are trying, and she is mostly staying in her room, but if she got it from a single interaction at work, then my chances are probably not good.

It hit about 3 or 3 1/2 weeks after the booster shot, and she's still quite unwell. We've been masked up and obsessively sanitizing everything too so I'm not really sure what else one can do.

plague diaries, vita ashuri

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