A few things that have happened:
I had a birthday on Wednesday. It was fun and relaxing. I never remember how old I am, so when
pyrate_queen sent me an email asking how it felt, it took me a few minutes of going 'wait, how does what feel?' before I figured out what she meant. I got fabulous presents and had a lovely dinner out with friends.
I got this term's teaching details and am working out an essay topic. Also got set up in an office up in the library, which makes it way less of a pain to have books from up there. (Also is a nicer way of studying in the library since there can be music and coffee.)
Former Housemate S has come out to visit for the weekend. It's part a research/book buying trip meaning that Cambridge has given her money for it. I like this plan and wish our department were not completely broke all the time. (The university has hired a new Vice-Chancellor. She's not a Welsh speaker yet, which has some people complaining, but my department is fairly pleaed, because she's a linguist who works on Scots Gaelic dialects...she can learn Welsh, but the appreciation of what we do is harder to come by. We think we might start getting some attention, or at least someone will recognise that our being the top Welsh department and third top Celtic Studies department in the UK should maybe get a few quid thrown our way every now and again. We hope.)
Today is the 25th anniversary of the disintegration of the space shuttle Challenger. (Yesterday was the anniversary of the failed Apollo 1, and the Columbia disaster was on 1 February. This is sort of 'space travel memorial week'). In response, NASA has posted an
interactive day of remembrance. There's also a memorial on the weekend at
Seattle's Museum of Flight. Probably other places, but those are the ones I know. (Personally I just decided to stay up last night and watch Star Trek IV, which came out a few months after Challenger and was dedicated to the crew. I do love that stupid film.)
Shit is going down in Egypt. (Got the Mother Jones link from
dynamicsymmetry.) A couple people have wondered why it isn't bigger news...I'm not sure it isn't, since I live in the back end of nowhere, have a generally apolitical, non-news social networking policy, and haven't been outside yet, so I'll take their word for it.
Anyway, have to scoot. Have stuff to do.