So! I'm done! And let me just say, all of the confusion of the earlier episodes is worth the fantastic way everyone and everything comes together in the end. I'm just a sucker for BIG DAMN HEROES continually showing up to kick ass.
Favorite Episode: For now, I'm going to say that mine is the very first episode (even though hearing Tamaki's voice coming from Ed weirded me the hell out when I first heard it), because it was just an awesome, action-packed introduction to this whole world (and this is also even though the Elrics gut-punched me with their similarities to the Winchester brothers in Supernatural). Plus, I love me some pissed off Roy. Mmmhmm. And now that I've seen the rest, this ties with episode 40, "Homunculus (The Dwarf in the Flask)". Firstly, I love Roy and Riza secretly communicating, and I ALWAYS love seeing more Izumi, but in the meat of the episode, the way they show the whole Xerxes thing is just some fantastic storytelling. I think I just have a kind of lost civilizations kink of some sort, because...they always just give me chills.
Favorite Female Character: I think what I'm loving so much about this anime is the fact that, for me, the female cast is transcending the male cast in awesomeness and that I'm loving them it's usually the opposite way around. So, while I love pretty much every female that's been introduced----Riza, Izumi, Olivier, Lan Fan, May, Pinako, Maria Ross, Sheska----it's Winry Rockbell that rises above them all as my favorite character in the anime, period. And she's probably going to rise as my favorite anime character period by the time I get to the end. I her so much, the way she's such an uber-fangirl of something as traditionally masculine as mechanical engineering and prosthetic limbs, the way she refuses to be side-lined, even though she doesn't necessarily have any combat skills, the way she doesn't put up with any bullshit from our two main boys, the way that she compliments the different kinds of femininity that we get in Riza, Olivier, Izumi, etc (and it's to the anime's credit that they're all equally awesome), and to the way that she's seemingly so comfortable in her own skin, both in her skills and just in her own body, if the way her workclothes seems to be basically a sports bra is any indication. But again, kudos to the anime that there are so many freaking fantasic female characters running around and being badass.
Least Favorite Female Character: So far, I don't think I honestly dislike any of the female characters. If I had to pick, I suppose I choose Lust, but again, I don't hate even her.
Favorite Male Character: Currently, I'm undecided between Roy and Greed. Roy used to be uncontested, because he's just that badass awesome and doesn't really annoy me like most of the other male characters do....but then Greed the First showed up. And he intrigued me in a way that even Envy (whom I like and whom my friend Ip fangirls heavily for) didn't, because....Greed defected. And he got bonus points for being a cool, affable kind of evil that I'm really fond of, and he got to react to Izumi's complete badass awesomeness, and everything to do with Izumi cracks my shit up and everything in association with her gets awesomeness points. I was sad, but happy when Greed I basically died laughing in Father's face. AND THEN GREED II CAME ALONG IN LING. And just....I have gigantic soft spots for Sixth Ranger Traitors (to the villains) and Enemy Mine situations, and Greed becomes an Anti-Hero good guy and does a Heroic Sacrifice for Ling that he didn't have to do, and then Love Redeems and his Sin is defeated when he gets true friends....I just can't even. Basically, what happens with him and Ling is what I wish so badly would happen in the Kingdom Hearts series between Vanitas and Ven, and it is perfect. So, yeah. Also, I have just got to give Wrath some bonus points for sheer badassedness, because the dude stabs someone with a sword shard THAT HE'S GOT IN HIS FUCKING TEETH. what is life.
Least Favorite Male Character: Currently, it's a tie between Kimblee and Selim/Pride. Kimblee is just such a dick, but Pride has got that UGH CREEPY CHILDREN WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING CREEPY thing going on for him. And Pride is also a dick. Oh, and that one Alchemist who turned his wife, daughter, and dog into chimaeras is also on my shit list. Overall, I think I'm going to go with Pride, though I'm side-eyeing Kimblee. But I'm a little disappointed that the anime ditched the contrast of Wrath being a warm family man with this relevation that his adorable son is really a horrible abomination named Pride (uuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh).
Favorite Scene Ever: Izumi smacking Ed into a wall for getting himself kidnapped and leaving the broom out while Greed just gapes at her lecturing the shit out of Ed, and at the fact that a housewife is the most badass character ever. Oh God, I laughed so hard, and much fucking love and appreciation for Izumi.
Favorite Pairing: Fucking Roy/Riza. Just...Life Partners FOR THE WIN. They're basically the anime version of Balthier and Fran, okay? The supreme, quiet confidence that they have in each other, the way they know each other inside and's just so fucking beautiful I can barely stand it.
Least Favorite Pairing: Um. Nothing's truly hit here yet, so I'll get back to this once it does.
Favorite Friendship: I love everyone being friends and redeeming themselves to be on the good side, but I suppose Ed&Ling is my favorite. With Ed&Winry&Al being like my OT3, and Roy&Hughes really warms my heart as well. FRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDS, LET'S ALL JUST BE FRIENDS, YES YES?
Favorite Fight Scene: Ooh. Whenever Roy and Riza are badasses, and any Big Damn Heroes moments. And Izumi. Everything is awesome with Izumi.
Favorite Alchemist: Izumi Curtis forever and ever.
Favorite Homunculus: Greed for sure, but Envy and Wrath ended up tying for second place. can you watch the last episodes and not appreciate how uberly badass Wrath is?!
Favorite Character of the Week: Sadly, Izumi probably qualifies as this. I also love Pinako Rockbell, Maes Hughes, Sheska, and Barry the Chopper amused the hell out of me. OH!!!!! Those two brothers in the armor that Ed fought in the Fifth Laboratory that Lust and Envy killed. I'm going to go with them.
Least Favorite Character of the Week: Shou Tucker, the sick bastard that turned his family into chimaeras. Fuck him.
Favorite Location: When Olivier's in command there, Fort Briggs.
Favorite Funny Scene: See favorite scene above, anything else involving Izumi, and whenever Winry throws wrenches at Ed (and/or Al).
Favorite Romantic Scene: When Riza refuses to leave until Roy promises that he'll come back. Or really, any quiet moments between those two make me "awwwwww" at them. <33333333 And when Roy respects Riza's wishes, and refuses to use human transmutation to save her. <333333333333333333