So, apparently, my brain futzed on me, and season 8 of Supernatural actually starts at the beginning of October, and not the end like I had thought. Somehow, my brain translated "October 3rd" as the 23rd instead, and as a result, various parts of the internet having minor explosions over the start completely caught me off guard. This is now serving as the impetus to make me stop holding off on the angst fest that is season 7, and start watching it on Netflix, so that I can attempt to get caught up as quickly as possible and start watching in real time, because otherwise...I'll be waiting for, like, a year to get the new season on Netflix, and no. My babies are in danger, and there's someone named Kevin, and what the fuck, I understand nothing anymore, AND I DON'T LIKE THIS FEELING.
So yeah. This isn't going to be very's just going to be me, typing down some thoughts and whatnot so as to help my brain absorb new details. Onwards! And obviously, spoilers below.
*Edit: I've now seen all of season 7.
Random Thoughts I Had While Watching
- I miss Hallucifer. :(
- Dick is an appropriate name for a Leviathan
- Hahaha Crowley, you're gonna be stuck having to help the Winchesters again, and I'm guessing Dean especially isn't going to be happy that you helped him lose his boyfriend, aka Cas.
- At first, I was REALLY REALLY MAD at Dean for killing Amy. Like...what the fuck, Dean, YOUR MINDSET IS REGRESSING, but he can't let Sam trust Amy because of what happened between him and Cas, and awwwwwwwwwww fucking hell, Dean, QUIT BREAKING MY HEART. So, I'm still undecided as to whether that was right, but now it at least doesn't seem as completely out of character, like it did before, and I'm understanding where he's coming from. (And just look at the subtext up in here: Sam/Amy = Dean/Cas, and Sam and Amy were romantically involved. SUBTLE SUBTEXT IS SUBTLE.)
- Osiris. FUCK YES. And awwwwwwww, Jo&Dean bonding, I love them platonic, it's sweet.
- ELLEN HARVELLE IS A BADASS, AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Passing Dean a message through a medium about how she's going to kick his ass from beyond if he doesn't start taking better care of himself: <333333333333333333333333333333333333
- Also, Melanie's pretty kick ass and cool. And I liked the bartender chick from the Osiris episode as well.
- Bobby/Jody is turning out to be pretty cute as well.
- And then the witches, Don/Maggie, was pretty evilly awesome as well. And that friend of Maggie's totally wanted to jump her bones, good Lord. Also in that episode DEATH BY NAIL GUN, UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH WHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYY, AND THANKS, SUPERNATURAL, FOR DEEPENING MY FEAR OF THEM AND OTHER THINGS AND MAKING ME INCAPABLE OF GOING NEAR ONE EVER.
- And my official name for that one Leviathan that they chained up is going to be Chatty Cathy.
- And just for the record, the Leviathans are THE WORST. I HATE THEM SO MUCH, GODDAMN IT.
- *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* SAM. CAN YOU PLEASE LEARN YOUR LESSON OF NOT JUST TAKING OFF AWAY FROM DEAN ALREADY???? PLEASE???!!! *sigh* And what progress you've made, leaving a note. SURE, SAM, JUST LEAVE YOUR BROTHER, ALONE, AND BARELY ABLE TO MOVE DUE TO HIS STILL HEALING BROKEN LEG, these are excellent life decisions.
- Dean, you are a dumbass for sawing off your cast early so that you can track down your brother, but your determination is also endearing to me.
- Also, it really can't be helping Dean to have had to leave the Impala behind. :( :( :( FUCK YOU LEVIATHANS, FUUUUUCK YOUUUUUU. :/
- The Leviathans hating on being Dean and Sam was pretty funny, though.
- Chatty Cathy liking Bobby's Browning quote was cool, too.
- I'm glad that Sam didn't actually kill Osiris. That would have been a sad day.
- Bobby's death is, like, the most tragic thing ever. But I loved Bobby's-subconscious!Rufus helping him out, and much he loved Sam and Dean.....ALL THE TEARS FOREVER, MAN.
- Dean watches Shark Week, anime/hentai, and actually, genuinely, liked the ballet he saw in the two times he saw Black Swan. Dean Winchester, I'll love you forever.
- Sam referencing Harry Potter is THE BEST THING EVER.
- Goddamn it, I hate it when Meg's helpful, and that Cas is protective of her because of him latching onto her in all of his trauma. Damn her.
- Garth's weirdly adorable. I love how he hugs Dean.
- Charlie Bradbury completely rocks the house.
- HALLUCIFER CAME BACK!!!!!! I'm sorry, I know he's horrible, but he's....brilliant at being horrible? I can't help but like him, he's weirdly adorable and hilarious. I think it's because he's actually a product of Sam's brain, because while evil-fab, we didn't see the real Lucifer being much like a gleeful little kid.
- What the fuck happens to Daphne??????
- Crowley's reaction to discovering that Cas was crazy was UTTER PERFECTION.
- Also, Becky made me really sad. :(
- And I really, really, really, REALLY hate the Leviathans. SO SO SO MUCH. Goddamn it, can't you guys try incinerating them??
- Cas, I will find a way to kick a fictional character's ass, namely, YOURS, if you've actually abandoned Dean in Purgatory.
- And by the way, welcome to the Winchester fold! You've done fucked up bad, NOW FIX IT, REGARDLESS OF YOUR PERSONAL MISERY.
- I have mixed feelings about Emma. I want to like her, probably because of the cracky part of me that wanted Dean and Sam to raise Bobby John the shapeshifter or Jesse the Antichrist.
-Also, please let Dean run into some....familiar faces in Purgatory. That'd be cool.
Did I Like the Episodes or Not
1) "Meet the New Boss" : Eh, not really. I don't like seeing Cas getting taken over by those fucking Leviathans. On the other hand, it redeems itself because of DEATH. <3333333333333333
2) "Hello, Cruel World" : Ultimately, yes. The Leviathans are gross, but HALLUCIFER, and JODY, and DEAN AND SAM BROTHERLY LOVE AND BONDING, <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
3) "The Girl Next Door" : Eh.
4) "Defending Your Life" : Pretty good.
5) "Shut Up, Dr. Phil" : Ended up being pretty good, because of the witches.
6) "Slash Fiction" : Meh. I really, really, really don't like the Leviathans.
7) "The Mentalists": Probably my favorite so far. So, yes, I liked it bunches. :)
For My Entertainment, The Canon Supernatural Pairings
*hinted at or implied / UST / unhealthy interest / subtext / etc
1. John Winchester/Mary Campbell-Winchester
2. Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore
3. Dean Winchester/Haley*
4. Dean/Andrea Barr*
5. Sam/Lori
6. Sam/Dean*
7. Meg/Sam*
8. Dean/Layla*
9. Dean/Cassie
10. Sam/Sarah
11. Azazel/John*
12. Azazel/Sam*
13. Azazel/Dean*
14. Azazel/Mary*
15. Bobby Singer/Karen Singer
16. Bill Harvelle/Ellen Harvelle
17. Dean/Jo Harvelle*
18. Gordon/Dean*
19. Ansem/Andy/Trish (?)*
20. Meg/Jo*
21. Sam/Madison
22. Dean/actress chick
23. Dean/Carmen
24. Dean/Lisa Braeden
25. Dean/Bela Talbot*
26. Dean/Casey*
27. Sam/Ruby
28. Gabriel/Sam*
29. Dean/Castiel*
30. Samuel Campbell/Deanna Campbell
31. Dean/Jamie
32. Dean/Anna Milton
33. Dean/Siren/Sam*
34. Dean/Tessa*
35. Alastair/Dean
36. Lilith/Sam*
37. John/Kate Milligan
38. Jimmy Novak/Amelia Novak
39. Becky Rosen/Sam
40. Chuck Shurley/Becky
41. Kali/Gabriel
42. Gabriel/Dean*
43. Lucifer/Gabriel*
44. Michael/Lucifer*
45. Crowley/Bobby*
46. Lucifer/Sam
47. Balthazar/Castiel*
48. Meg/Castiel
49. Sam/Genevieve
50. Rufus/Bobby*
51. Rachel/Castiel*
52. Crowley/Castiel*
53. Sam/Amy Pond
54. Bobby/Jody Mills
55. Don/Maggie
54. Dean/Melanie*
55. Bobby/Eleanor Visjak
56. Dean/Lydia
57. Bobby/Annie
58. Dean/Annie
59. Sam/Annie
60. Daphne/Emmanuel!Castiel
I have too much fun with this shit, I swear. Of the above (from bottom to top) :
I ship: Bobby/Eleanor, Dean/Melanie, Bobby/Jody, Mary/John/Kate, Dean/Jamie, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Lisa, Dean/Cassie, Sam/Jess, Sam/Sarah
I dark ship: Don/Maggie, Crowley/Castiel, Lucifer/Sam, Alastair/Dean, Ruby/Sam, Azazel/Winchesters
I relationship ship: Rufus/Bobby, Dean/Gabriel, Dean/Tessa, Dean/Bela, Dean/Jo, Dean/Layla, Dean/Sam, Dean/Anna
I sink: Meg/Castiel, Sam/Madison, Sam/Lori
Children of Supernatural
1. Lucas Barr ("Dead in the Water")
2. Lily Shoemaker ("Bloody Mary")
3. Todd ("Wishful Thinking")
4. Sari and Ritchie ("Home")
5. Missy Bender ("The Benders")
6. Michael and Asher ("Something Wicked")
7. Rosie Holt ("Salvation")
8. Tyler Thompson ("Playthings")
9. Ben Braeden
10. Audrey Elmer ("Wishful Thinking")
11. Claire Novak
12. Tyler ("Plucky Pennywhistle")
13. Tess McAnn ("Party On, Garth")
14. Joe and Ryan Silver ("Mommy Dearest")
15. Jesse Turner
16. Jacob Pond
17. Cole Griffith ("Death Takes a Holiday")
18. Bobby John