Happy Friday to all! I am delighted to turn the calendar toward weekend! :-) I worked from home today, started really early and finished early. Yay!
Thanks to nicky for making my "Story Time" icon and for telling me how to post a different icon to match a theme. I hope I did it right...
I am in constant wonderment at the wealth of stories available in the S&H fandom. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface. However, I have refined my "go to types" of stories and the kinds I always want to put on my "must read first" list. This list, BTW, is now about 8 pages long!
Dearest to my heart are stories focused on Hutch. Best of all, h/c Hutch stories. I can't explain the wiring, but I get a true thrill out of seeing this strong and amazing guy hurt & vulnerable - and having his buddy/partner there to focus attention on him. It stands to reason that my favorite S&H episodes thus far are the h/c ones - The Fix, Survival, The Plague, Bloodbath, Coffin for Starsky, etc.
Close second are steamy slashy stories. I once swore I'd never touch them - I was "best friends - good buddies - no sexual" all the way. A close S&H friend or two knows that I went back and forth on this like a tennis ball in a match. SHareCon tipped me right over the edge. Now, I am enthralled with guy/guy and even started writing some! There again, Hutch tooth kicks in - I mostly enjoy it when Starsky takes the lead. Not that I see Hutch as weak or subordinate or anything. Also wonderful are stories where they are equally out of their minds over each other and both grope and touch and take and wrestle and crash hard. Yummmm!
A few stories I LOVE:
- Distant Shores by Martha J. Bonds. This jumbo sized story, novel length, is sweet, agonizing, satisfying, tender, frightening, and
amazing. The portrayal of both guys is heart-melting and wonderful.
- Crystal Blue Persuasion by Flamingo. Totally hot, totally focused on the power exchange, the buttons they push, the necessary run-ins to get to wonderful places.
- Detour by Kate (CMT). Hutch gets shot. Starsky gets angsty. Hutch gets angsty. Starsky gets confused. What more can I say?
- Remants by Rosemary. I've read part 1 so far. I will be back for more.
- A Time for Change by Charlotte Frost. This one plays out a scenario that guiltily draws me in. Hutch is used in a scheme to exact revenge on Starsky. h/c tooth kicked in big time. The writing isn't great but it's good and the tenderness is delicious.
I hope to finish work on my 3 part story "...Please..." at the Thanksgiving holiday. There will be free time. Nancy, I don't know if you'll read here, but if you do - you know you inspired this story. And I wanted to promise you sweet tender romance in the last chapter. Alas...something else is channeling through. I promise dark-romance. Hope that is sufficient.
I outlined my very first h/c story last night - very general...but hopefully will fulfill my own desires for this exact story & will give other Hurt Hutch girls some pleasure in the end.
As Dawn once said (and I paraphrase) - "Sometimes you have to write your own stories to get what you want." Something like that...
Hope the weekend is fine for all. Hubby and I are meeting old friends for dinner. I will eat too much and drink wine too. That sounds perfect right now.
Off to attempt a snowflake a'la Laura...writes-