Harumph. A definite mixed bag on progress this month. All other things considered, I'll just keep reminding myself that any progress is good progress, LOL.
- have no started-but-not-finished projects by Thanksgiving 2011
Yeah, still on the "OMG more than I thought" phase of things.
- maintain a list of todo's, and work on at least one every week (forward progress, not necessarily finished). Track via googledocs
This wasn't nearly as productive in June as it was in May. I think I burnt myself out a little, plus golf season, Jason was home more (so I spent more time with him) etc etc. I did:
- shop for/pick out/buy two chairs for the back porch, since the "couch" that we put out there last year was just too big. It got reassigned to the front porch.
- pick out fabric for/make two pillows for those back porch chairs
- shop for/pick out/buy/re-spraypaint a small cafe table for between chairs on the back porch (big enough to hold two drinks, a book, etc)
- shopped for a new side table for the den, no decision made yet though
- remove two units of "extra stuff" from the house each month (where unit roughly equates to a 13 gal trash bag/bankers box/equivalent). Track for entire year.
Oh ho ho, *here*, however, there was progress. Since our city does "bulk pickup" in June, and it coincided with a time period where Jason was feeling motivated to declutter, I actually don't even *know* how much went out. It was, at a minimum, 15 "units" that went out for that (3 wingback chairs, 4 old mirrored closet doors, 1 cabinet-shelfy thing, 1 box of old light fixtures, 1 box of old bathroom tiles, 1 set of old fireplace logs, 1 box of miscellaneous plumbing parts, 2 old windows, old dehumidifier). I know there was more, but I honestly didn't stop to count, LOL. Plus there were 3 large bags of trashy junk cleaned out of the basement/garage/etc. We'll call June 18 total... bringing the running total to 40 "units" (January - 9, February - 2, March - 5, April - 3, May - 3, June - 18).
- Sew enough clothes that 1/3 of wardrobe is self-made (or significantly altered)
I finished: a polo shirt in breathable material for golf, a knit shirt for work, a cotton skirt, and a bathing suit (!!)
- Start golfing consistently at/below 45/side
I seem to be shooting in the upper 40s moderately consistently, so if I can drop a stroke or two every month, I'll reach the goal. I need to work on my short game, since there are definitely some strokes to be saved here (developing good approach shots from inside 100 yards, and getting closer with my chipping).
- Replace Jason's car, with no loan
Savings continue on track; I expect we'll start looking August or so, depending on how general stress levels are between now and then, LOL. Oh, and if we take a big vacation in the fall or not, and when.
- Add one good habit/month. Track with daily calendar/stars. June's habit was a daily 5 minute pickup of the house plus spending at least 30 minutes/week doing outside "maintenance" (weeding flower beds, etc).
I was a bad girl and didn't track it on the calendar, so I'm only guessing at how I did here. The daily pickup was pretty consistently done. The yardwork, not so much. I'm beginning to question why we ever moved out of an apartment, haha! July's habit isn't exactly a habit, more a structure thing. Designate two nights/week for specific productivity tasks and do them. Tuesday night: 30 minutes "deep cleaning", Thursday night: 30 minutes forward momentum on tasks on the "house projects" list.