Take me OUT!!!!

Nov 04, 2004 08:34

I wasnt able to do anything yesterday..i was soo busy

*Right after i got out of school i went to go pick my car up then went over to target they have really cool stuff at the DOLLAR SPOT!!! i was excited so i bought a whole bunch of shit....then i went over to fred myers to get some work pants but they didnt have any so i bought some really cool van shoes...they were on sell for 39.99, with tax it came to 43.07 i couldnt believe it..i didnt even have enough money so the lady didnt want to take the time to take them back so she gave them to me for 40.00...she was a bitch tho i was like wow ok im a guest and ur treating me like shit...i was pissed i was like yeah u better give me those damn shoes for cheaper lol: then i went home picked up my sis and went to the mall and got some pants...

* when i got home nick called woundering if i could help him out with his mohack...it looks soo good on him...i did a pretty good job on it too im so proud of myself...

* i think Josh is mad at me i dont understand why tho...maybe his not maybe we just havent had the time to chat...b/c his been busy and ive been busy....

*today we have advosiory where we are gonna talk about caps and gowns...which should go well... but i dunno...will find out ehehe

*today in wheight tranning kinda pissed me off but not really it was FUNNY as FUCK ehehe... dieanna and i wanted to change the music b/c thats all we have been listening to since we have started school and im soo annoyed of it so we where gonna chang it but theres this guy dieanna talks to who hangs out with tyler...i dont know his name and we went out to his car to get some cds...he was all like i cant believe you wear that, "i love you shirt" when u dont even know what it stands for....what kind of music u listen too im like dashboard, yellocard, franze, theres lots more but i cant think of them on top of my head..and we was like wow i cant stand by u anymore...they all sux i was like and i care...lol i like the music u listen too...so im sorry if you dont like them....fuck you!!! lol

today i work but not long i work form 6 to 9 i felt bad last night b/c chris was by himself for the night and didnt have enough time to get the store cleaned..but u know what he is shift leader im not sooo thats his problem i did what i needed to get done!!!

friday and saterday im off i might go to the movies with eaither nick and josh, billy and chris, or chris and kyle? i dunno yet i want to go see saw and the grudge....

oh i almost for got carls jr is coming out with shrek happy meal toys im excited b/c thats my favorite movie!!!! :D well anyways im gonna get going to work im in the libary supposed to be working on my thises research paper for my senior priject and i havent even researche yet ehehe lol
ill call you bri before i go to work alrighty luv ya and miss you all buh bye
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