coffee prince parody

Apr 19, 2008 01:43

hye all  ^^,

i'm gonna post animated gifs from big bang coffee prince parody..  ^^,
coffee bang yeah!!!!  = P


[1]comment if taking = ] i really2 hope u guys can comment my post
[2]no need 2 credit..... but if u want 2,credit tam @ soompi
[3]enjoy  ^_^


more this way~~~

g-dragon scene



T.O.P scene



Seung ri scene  [my love  = P]


Dae Sung scene

G dragon + TOP scene  [prepare urself for the hottness!!!!]  = P




[Seung Ri + Tae Yang scene], [Seung Ri + G-dragon scene], [Seung Ri + Dae Sung scene]



Group scene  [too tired to list all of them]


my fave scene would be--> 
so what i ur fave scene?

big bang, animated gifs

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