Not really much to report about this episode was there? It wasn't horrid*...but all I really remember is that P Diddy was in it acting really badly with a gunshot wound in one scene and then fine in the next scene and that Steve apparently went for a swim with his cast on and his mobile phone in his pocket? Or something.
*ETA - Actually I've updated my mind. It was horrid. Everyone seemed bored and Kono climbed a tree and people kept mentioning religion out of no where. What was that about?
And Danno took an extended leave of absence.
I think there was an amusing Steve/Danno car ride but I'm struggling to remember. Oh yeah they had a funny convo and then drove through a gate. Highlight of the ep probably.
Bring on the next ep? In May, urgh.
Let's be honest, after last week's epicness, this week was always going to be a bit of let-down but man, seriously?