Feb 08, 2010 14:21
Things are on the upswing here.
I got approved for unemployment so I got a $242 check. Sweet. And I have work at Six Flags on Saturday yay money.
Mike is going through the motions at Bank of America to get a job and has an interview with Hollywood Video for a store in Vallejo as a Manager. And he has to take a test with the census on Wednesday.
I may be (and by may be... it's all depending on how scheduling days off at Six Flags is cuz IDUNNO) shooting Leslie's brother's wedding! As usual I am excited but mostly NERVOUS.
School is proving to be awesome and stupid. My Intro to Soc professor is cool and FUCKING SMART but I can't understand him for the life of me. He's from Kenya so I can't get too engaged in the shit he's talking about because I'm trying to make sure I hear everything right. Darn. I love Critical Thinking but I AM THE WORST CRITICAL THINKER EVER so it is also hard. History can eat my ass for many reasons and Women and Social Change is lovely.
I miss my iCarly interweb life. :(
cool for school,
oh noes real life!