Jun 18, 2009 16:19
It's been four days, LiveJournal, and I'm sorry.
I haven't noted it but I've been trying to update a lot because I felt that no one was really using LJ anymore. Which is fine, I'm not here to force anyone to use it (not that I really could, ha) but I felt if I started using it more, maybe others would. Sure, we all comment, but none of us really post. How can we comment if we never post? Hm.
Hell froze over the other day. I went into work and got two hugs and a "love you" from fellow cast members! Woah! I didn't know what to think, I was very taken aback. And that same day I helped a hard of hearing woman by just really paying attention and picking up sign language while I tried to help her (perhaps practicing improv every week for a school year really did pay off?) and it was magical. I love working at Disneyland, and that was the first day I really, really enjoyed being at Autopia.
Of course the next day was kind of shitty but y'know.
Like yesterday when I got in trouble for talking on track. I admit I can be chatty on track, but this time I didn't feel like I was so both I and my partner in crime were bewildered when we got in trouble. Hm.
And why do I see Auto kids at Main Street GSO?! Where are my GSO shifts! Jeez.
Mike and I have been watching How I Met Your Mother and we are enjoying it greatly. We've determined that maybe, just a tad, we are Lily and Marshall. And fun fact, Mike wants to name his kid Lily so hey whatev. Wonder if he got the idea from Harry Potter? If so, how nerdy is he?
We're broke again and it's my fault (not me spending, just me not making enough). It makes me think I should wait out Autopia two more months to transfer to PhotoPass for more money but I don't knoooooow. Ugh. What if PhotoPass is boring and horrible? It sure looks like it... except for the whole taking pictures part, that part seems amazing.
And I'm trying to save money for a few things in my life. Like buying a house (in a few years, but still... houses are expensive) and taking a road trip next summer. The road trip isn't very important just something that'd be nice because I want to see stuff (like the east coast beaches and Canada!) but y'know. And I want to do that road trip before I get married... not that I'm getting married soon but-oh whatever.
Aaaaand so the point is I'm broke, thus saving no money, so no road trip, no house. Unless something changes. How are all of you saving money?
Been watching Current all day. Lots of wedding stuff and lots of gay pride stuff (Happy Gay Pride Month!) so I've been enjoying it. Current is good stuff.
Mike and I are doing a photo-video blog starting on our anniversary (June 26). Don't know if you all even care or want to look at that business but I'll be sure to put the link up when it starts.
random town,
house of mouse