Can anyone tell me how I am supposed to feel after watching Revolutionary Road?
I just don't know. I guess I should feel sad but I'm not sure what to be sad about...? I can't even explain my confusion of feelings on the matter. Was I supposed to learn something? To follow my dreams? To not tell my husband I hate him? To not tell my wife "fuck you"? To not let crazy people come to my house? To not give myself a 1950's home abortion? To not have the most awkward breakfast in the universe after a huge fight? (And, while we're at it, why was the breakfast scene after that big fight towards the end so... whatever it was?!) Should I not plan to move to another country even though I have plenty of savings? Don't live in the 50's?
I'm so confused, what am I supposed to take with me after that movie? Maybe just... nothing? That's possible.
But... how great was it to see Leo and Kate together? Love them both.
In other news, Michael is the love of my life and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.