Jun 08, 2009 19:34
I visited Derek and Joey!! I had so much fun, we really didn't do much but that's how I love my time and it was wonderful. I miss Derek so much. We talked about all kinds of things and I learned about the greatness of How I Met Your Mother and want it on DVD now. I'm so happy I could go out there and visit, it was so awesome. They win. I'm excited for their wedding!
It was so great to come home and see Michael though. I had a mini break down to show him how much he missed me! Haha... but really he is amazing. I did have an amazing weekend but things just haven't been what they were last summer. I feel like I'm wasting my life. Living with Michael is good, in fact... amazing. But because of my shitty job and overpriced apartment we aren't saving a cent of money. I really should be working full time, and saving for the future I want. Which is to have a family and own a house. And at this rate it will never happen. And on an unrelated note to how I should be saving money right now for my not so distant future, I have been having a shitty time at Disney and I miss my family/friends. So I just broke down to Michael about it and I feel terrible about all these things I've made him do and this money we don't have. He's such an amazing boyfriend so thank God for that because I don't know what I'd do with out him. He deserves better but he loves me so JOKE IS ON HIM!
BUT today I went to Disneyland with Daniel and that was wonderful! I luv himzzz. He is playing Sims 3 right now, it's great.
Homeward Bound is on Disney Channel in a moment, YES!
welcome to the oc bitch,
friends forever,
oh noes real life!