Firstly, today (or, I guess, yesterday) I sent in my application to University of Oregon, along with my housing application requesting that I get to room with my best friend from elementary school, who is also named Ashley. I've rekindled my friendship with her, and I find it ironic (as I have mentioned to her many times before) that we were best friends at the beginning of our education in Sherwood, and now we're best friends again at the end of it. And hopefully we'll be together again for the beginning of a new education. I say we're still only hoping because I don't know if I'm going to be accepted. The facts are this: I have a 3.6 GPA and I'm ranked 62 in my class of 320, but I'm missing second language credits, because for a really long time I was planning on only going to community college or an art college. I've made the decision that I want to go to U of O, I just needed to explain my case in my essay/special circumstances answers. I've done all I can. It's in God's hands now. (Oh, I guess that's another thing that's new for you guys to know: I've recently become a Christian. I'm not like... die-hard about it. In fact I'm probably really bad at it. But I believe in Jesus and God and, in the words of a letter written by a child to Him, "I am doing the best I can.")
So I've got this going for me, and I'll be waiting for the next couple of weeks to know if I'm accepted or not. Cross your fingers.
The next matter of business: Over the weekend I started reading it, and today I finished it, and I am officially in love with these authors and this story. I read Good Omens! And OH, GOD it was one of the best reads I've ever had. Granted, I haven't had a lot, because I kind of fail when it comes to reading the books everyone says I'm supposed to know, but still! This was such a pleasure. It's a book that I think I'll read through a couple more times, and usually I'm too lazy to do that, so when I say that it means I thoroughly enjoyed every part of the story. I thought it was amazing. And the characters, the characters. And simply just the writing style in itself-- which leads me to something that I think is important to note: The entire time I was reading this book I thought of
moonsheen's writing, and that made it even more enjoyable. And I mean it truly inspired me, making me want to write; making me think some of my novel ideas were actually possible.
I am going to avidly recommend this book to my dad and a lot of my friends. (At first my Dad gawked at me when I answered his "What's it about?" with "The apocalypse," but I think I can persuade him.) I may even write a report on it for my Story Writing class.
lakjsdlfkjaslkf JUST WOW I mean I think I have a new fandom, guys! Hehe