Apr 13, 2007 19:02
why the hell can't my mom understand that just because she and dad are getting divorced that I don't want to have to divide myself along with them?
I don't WANT to sit with her for half of Brandon's game and sit with Dad the other half. today I feel like sitting with just my dad. I MISS HIM. I'M NOT SEEING HIM MORE THAN THREE TIMES A WEEK. I want to be with him at Brandon's games because he actually understands the game and can talk with me about it. I want to be with him because I'm grumpy and everything my mom's doing is irritating me, and I can anticipate that we'll just turn it into a fight. I want to be with him because he's simple and understands that when I say "I'm fine" it means "I'm fine", not "please continue to breathe down my neck about whether I am emotionally pleased or not."
I want a goddamn advocate in this mess, since she doesn't understand how to listen to just ME. I'm sick of these fucking lawyers and fucking judges talking behind my back about what's in store for my life and who I spend my time with.
gtfo or die,
fuck fuck fuck fuck,
the divorce: an epic journey of suck,
shit i could really do without,
go away