Jezebel has a nice "fuck you, 2010" post. I like it.
I'd also like to add:
Fuck you, 2010, for messing with my job and making me miserable.
Fuck you, 2010, for me being stupid enough to want my parents to move to Calgary and therefore make my mother miserable.
Fuck you, 2010, for the Jay and her family being sick all the time.
Fuck you, 2010, for changing my life in bad ways.
Fuck you, 2010, for not helping me find my way back into fandom.
Fuck you, 2010, for keeping fandom feeling like an unwelcoming sort of place.
Fuck you, 2010, for putting the final nail in the coffin of Heroes.
Fuck you, 2010, for continuing to feed "artists" with their over-produced, over-autotuned, underwhelming "musical" "artists" who can't sing live; whose entire albums are autotuned; who can't play instruments; who can't write their own music; who rely on "sampling" from decent artists who don't get the recognition they deserve. Kesha? I'm looking at you.
Fuck you, 2010, for the sometimes borderline crippling depression that keeps me estranged from friends, family, life, joy, health, fandom, creativity, and anything else that might make me happy.
Fuck you, 2010, for not letting go of House, because I keep watching it.
Fuck you, 2010, for raising my rent, my transit tickets, and my cable bill.
Fuck you, 2010, for taking away the vast majority of my paramedical insurance, leaving me with a grim prospect for being able to get proper chiropractic and massage care for 2011, never mind not being able to afford to get myself into therapy at all.
Fuck you, 2010. Up the ass. With a rusted chainsaw.
So maybe it wasn't all bad.
If it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't have started watching The Guild, The Mentalist and White Collar.
It it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't have had my dear Jo visiting me for a week in May.
If it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't have discovered that Lady Gaga can
play the piano and actually sing, making it okay for me to like Bad Romance.
If it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't have known that
David Tennant narrates audiobooks and does it with funny voices, enthusiasm, and infinite charm.
If it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't finally, after a few very long years of wanting to play him, have David Tennant in my
Citadel roster.
If it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't have
Matt Smith and his utterly delightful turn as the Doctor. The Doctor is dead; long live the Doctor.
If it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't have
Gail Carriger's Soulless, Changeless, and Blameless;
Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay;
Brent Weeks' The Way of Shadows, Shadow's Edge, and Beyond the Shadows.
If it weren't for 2010, I wouldn't have my parents in town.
It's almost 2011. How did that happen?